Wednesday, 30 December 2020


 Chair of Audit puts up with 31K?

31K, the man who didn’t bother to pay his companies business rates for two years on two different properties in Northumberland then got his mates to write off his debt, his dreadful tactics have now been exposed by the press.

Although he has used the same tactics steadily for almost the last four years since becoming the financial portfolio holder of Northumberland County Council, Councillor Nick Oliver, from Corbridge has centred his concentration solely on technique. This mind convergence shows that his prime interest is in covering his own back which has openly exposed his lack of accountancy skills as he has failed to have the Councils accounts accepted by external auditors for the delivery of Best Value on three occasions and is rapidly moving to a record fourth failure.

Along with his notoriety in local government for hopelessness in business he is of course one of the Councillors involved with the professional investigations into Bullying, Racism, Corruption and dodgy land dealings is also accused outside of these legal and audit investigations of spinning lies via reports written in his own name and not that of Council Officers who wouldn’t touch his stuff through the Councils Audit Committee to fein the truth of their contents and have these damaging fairy tales run out in the press.

The Council in the shape of its legal department should have stopped his antics and as in all other Councils he should not be allowed to attend the Audit Committee, which looks at the process of his department until asked to present his annual report to that committee. 

His antics and tactics at the Audit Committee are abysmal as he is a very vocal politician who spins the subject matter away from anything which detracts from his agenda and we here at Murky fear he is pressuring and bullying the Chair of Audit and officers in charge of the protocol of his work and were sure the investigations will find him out. This Councillor is unprecedented in forcing out at great cost to the ratepayer four financial directors in three years. A disgrace for any Councillor.

At the December meeting of the Councils Audit Committee the local democracy reporter centred his news story on the spin away from the subject at hand by Councillor Oliver and how another member of his Party, Councillor Swinburn tried to bring the debate back on track, but unfortunately the non independent, independent person on the committee halted the return to business.

May 2021 looms shortly and the local government elections should find this man out who is the epitome of his Government in office and their support for the corrupt. He is not only a massive ‘red risk’ to the Council he is a devil incarnate at a local level with access to taxpayers cash.

His attitude is one of the reasons you should never trust a Tory.


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