Monday, 21 December 2020

News that Tories can ‘officially lie’ in the forthcoming election campaigns is leaked by Huffington Post! So everything else was an unofficial lie?

 What a Government and local County Council we have in Northumberland with these Tories in charge.

This week we have the public seeing at last the news we have been pushing through the Real Northumberland Murky for the last couple of years, That the Tories lie on every matter at all times.

Our team has been ever so nice in calling lies, ‘spin’ but were ever so pleased that at last a national public media giant has joined us in condemning the liars at every turn.

In Northumberland their lies have shown up and let down the reputation of the Council and we believe they have made the officers they are supposed to have a duty of care to protect feel completely and utterly let down as do Councillors from other parties and colours who have had stories told about this improvement and that infrastructure project around where they live and when the time comes to deliver they are left with sand in their hands and eyes.

Interestingly the reporter who has released this information is from the North and has done some excellent investigation and reports in the Newcastle Journal and Chronicle, it's certainly worth a read.


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