Thursday, 3 December 2020

Who has and still is being bullied by County Hall’s Administration?

I suppose our short break from the Murky and sweaty keyboards has been noticeable over the last few days but with the change from total lockdown to stalag 3 and the national news that the Tories as ever are still bankrolling their mates in front of our eyes, as they have ordered and paid for 370M vaccines for 66M people illustrates were as gullible as ever to their forked tongue spin.

So then where have we been, to Morpeth of course as we can meet outside and we have loads of real people to converse with in the open among the Gadgies and we have learnt a lot.

There now seems to be a considerable difference between the Conservative ‘reptile groups’ who live under mats at County Hall and the proletariat of Morpeth and its surrounds, with the message that the Sanderson gang has announced the building of a new leisure centre on the old library car park site and the Castle Morpeth Mob are not sure what spelks to pick from their bottoms as the loss of a car park and the sell off of another car park and former Leisure Centre site to their mates (but which reptilian groups mates?) to profit from expensive housing hasn’t gone down well with the Gadgies. The street talk of a rebirth for both the LibDems and Labour in Morpeth was red hot as the infighting among the allegedly corrupt administration has sickened most. Their twisted decision making looks like paid car parking will be back on the cards at Morpeth to help drive the public away and keep it dying in aspic, or will people simply drift across to Ashington anyway?

That alleged corruption, currently ongoing at County Hall has taken a funny twist as it was said to us that the Tory led Local Government Association have, unlike the US Cavalry in all the ‘best westerns’ (or is that only where lothario Tory councillors stay at Northumberland residents expense?)  refused to come to the rescue on behalf of the public as it is two Tory Groups who are being investigated through the multi-agency teams. It was also cheekily said that the Telegraph, Mail and Express were all over this story thinking they could attack Ian Lavery MP yet again but when they found out it was their own side who were the accused, ran away to Morrisons to buy drink and fags before boardiing the train to get better access to the web and put their arms under their pipistrel type wings at having travelled so far North.

So then who has been getting bullied?

We know that the top Council officers have had a really tough time following the release of Mrs Lally, the Councils Chief Executive’s email to all Councillors to the press which said it all.

Mrs Lally when signing up to the Tory Councils banner and following their instructions probably didn’t expect to be dragged into legal action and court on a number of occasions to defend the Tories against developers and former employees with the costs being shouldered by the Council to protect the former now deposed Leader Cllr Peter Jackson and the man she herself accused of dodgy land dealing Cllr John Riddle from meeting their makers in jail, that may still arrive on their doorsteps yet.

We were told by Gadgies that the Councils Solicitor was being bullied badly, he is off work ill and that the legal advice he gave to stop the opposition raising issues designed to save the pubic £millions was as the Jacksonites had urged him to say and not as his trade would have expected him to say. Dozens of middle grade officers have suffered by his actions especially the former head of planning who is still being maligned as recently as October 2020 by the reptiles trying to cover their tracks.

We suspect the Councils fourth Director of Finance in three and a half years is being bullied as he has thrown the towel in and taken a top job elsewhere following some pretty dodgy financial decisions and spend by the very strange Portfolio holder for finance, Cllr. ‘Nick’ Oliver from Corbridge. We suppose three qualified (thats posh accountants speak for failed!) sets of accounts in three years and the fact that the Council in its wisdom have dumped shifty Advance Northumberland’s books at his door to sort out won’t have helped. We can’t understand why the new Leader of Council and Local Government Association Peer, top dog Glen Sanderson  hasn’t sacked Cllr Oliver from office before he and his cohort Councillor bodycam wearing Richard Dodds are dragged deeper into the cesspool and pulled under.

We know that the current Labour group Leader Cllr Susan Dungworth and the last one Cllr Grant Davey were and are being bullied. Libelling stories of their misdemeanours along with thousands of pounds spent investigating their hardworking pasts have shocked the Tories who expected dark sides to emerge as they are very ordinary people indeed. Costly investigation after investigation found the former Leader innocent of all crime and the lies about the company ARCH were discovered to be just that, lies, with the Current Labour Leader Cllr Dungworth being falsely accused.

But those lies were legitimised through the Councils audit committee via a set of false reports written by Councillors Oliver and Wearmouth being presented as fact. The Councils auditors EY were so incensed at this action that they packed their bags and left. The Tories particularly the turncoat Tory Councillor Wayne Daley have slated them openly ever since because they were honest. Its known the former Labour leader’s health suffered badly and the current leader has been openly accused via social media of collaboration with Council officers by the nasty parties reptiles she’s said to be just hanging in there supported by her group whose popularity is growing as the infighting worsens.

That brings us to the legitimisation of spin and lies through the audit committee?

We as observers of happenings at the Council now need to know if the Chairwoman of the Audit Committee Cllr Georgina Hall is being bullied? Before we bring the sword down onto one side or another on the publics behalf we require answers to whether she knew about the unlawful County Councillor and not officer written reports being placed before her committee? If she did, was she bullied into putting  those known lies before her committee? She has changed her stance and reports through social media recently to show perpetual undying support for Mrs Lally. 

Something to cover their own backs and not hers that the well rehearsed Tories did on a televised Audit Committee recently was to use someone who should know better, the Solicitor Cllr David Towns to make a statement explaining that the Audit Committee was not a scrutiny panel. His clarification was three and half years late as the Committee acted on his teams behalf in the fashion of the worse kind of scrutiny panel you can get, a one sided politically motivated one. 


Cllr Hill you need to spill the beans and tell the public the truth before you're caught in the maelstrom of the current investigations.




We thought in our links below we should illustrate a real Tory’s thoughts on matters of state that are supposedly in hand and you may see why support for them from the Gadgies of Morpeth is waning so rapidly.

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