Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Murky needs to know about the answer to this recent FOI from Northumberland County Council whether Councillor Homer stayed for three nights with a friend or relative or did she sleep on a London Park Bench? The associated murkiness with this FOI requires answers and an answer to question of whether the Castle Morpeth Tories are all in to very odd expenses claims at the Council Taxpayers Expense on an industrial scale?



I refer to your Freedom of Information request in relation to Overnight stays - Councillors. 


Right of Access 


Section 1(1) of the Act provides any person making a request for information to a public authority is entitled. 


(a) to be informed in writing by the public authority whether it holds information of the description specified in the request (which Section 1(6) of the Act designates as the "duty to confirm or deny"), and 


(b) if that is the case, to have that information communicated to him. 


The right is to obtain access to the information itself and not to the document or record which contains it. 


The Act creates a general right of access to information held by public authorities subject to various exemptions. 


Northumberland County Council confirms that it holds the information you have requested, please see the attached following information in response. 


Q.1 Details of trips to London and other places requiring an overnight stay taken by Cllr Cath Homer and Cllr Peter Jackson TOGETHER between May 2017 and August 2020

A.1 2/3 October 2017

Conservative Party Conference booked by both Councillor Homer and Councillor Jackson, along with others, booked by the Group and at no cost to the County Council. No other information available. No confirmation of attendance available from third parties. 


3-5 July 2018

LGA Conference, Birmingham, Overnight stay at Jurys Inn, Birmingham at a cost of £133.11 per night per guest. Outside permissable limit, but approved by the Business Chair for ease of travelling to/from the venue of the conference, which saved money on transport fares. No confirmation of attendance available from third parties. 


11-14 June 2018

House of Lords Reception for Cllr Homer and Cllr Jackson, Meetings with Government Officers for Cllr Homer, LGA meeting for Cllr Jackson and Produced in Northumberland Event for Cllr Homer and Cllr Jackson Overnight stay at the Premier Inn London County Hall at a cost of £181.50 per room per night, with the third night’s accommodation (booked nearer the time of the events) costing £191.00 per night. Outside the permissable limit, but approved by the Business Chair because at the time of booking it was peak time and all hotel costs were higher, but also to save on the cost of transport to/from the venues. Cost of travel was £312.12 each for train fare. No confirmation of attendance available from third parties. 


1-3 October 2018

Conservative Party Conference booked by both Councillor Homer and Councillor Jackson, along with others, booked by the Group at no cost to the County Council. No other information available. No confirmation of attendance available from third parties. 


27-28 November 2018

27 November – Historic England – Angel Awards – booked to attend for both Councillor Homer and Councillor Jackson. 28 November – Discover our Land Ambassador appointments and British Travel Awards. No record of any travel/overnight accommodation costs. 


4-6 March 2019

Attendance at the Annual LGA Tourism Conference by Councillor Homer and Councillor Jackson. Cost of conference for Councillor Jackson was £358.80, Councillor Homer – no record of any costs for attending the conference. Travel costs were £229.50 each for train. No accommodation costs paid for by the Council. No confirmation of attendance available from third parties. 


1-4 July 2019

LGA Annual Conference in Bournemouth booked to attend for Councillor Homer and Councillor Jackson, with another Councillor. Accommodation was at Bournemouth West Cliff Hotel, £87.22 per person, per night. Flight for Councillor Homer and Councillor Jackson was £200.99 per person. No confirmation of attendance available from third parties. 


30 September-2 October 2019

Conservative Party Conference booked to attend for both Councillor Homer and Councillor Jackson, along with others, booked by the Group at no cost to the County Council. No other information available. No confirmation of attendance available from third parties. 


26-28 November 2019

British Travel Awards and various meetings with Ministers – overnight accommodation at the Premier Inn London County Hall at a cost of £169.50 per person, per room, per night, which is outside the permissable limit, but approved by the Business Chair as, again, it saved on transport costs travelling from the hotel to the various commitments in London, which would have incurred taxi fares. Rail costs were £124.00 each for travel to London and £70.00 each for return travel, total cost of £194.00 return. No confirmation of attendance available from third parties. No confirmation of attendance available from third parties.


Q.2 On trips to London taken together by Cllr Homer and Cllr Jackson, details of the cost of the travel and accommodation between May 2017 and August 2020.

A.2 Please see response to Q.1


Q.3 Confirmation of the names of the hotel(s) used and whether the hotel(s) used in London were within the prescribed and permissible claim bands agreed by the Council at the time of the booking. 

A.3 Please see response to Q.1


Q.4 Confirmation whether an exception was made for Cllr Jackson and Cllr Homer to stay in hotels outside of the normal claim limit for over night stays in London and who authorised these to be booked.

A.4 Please see response to Q.1


Q.5 Provide me with the published NCC claim limits for hotel accommodation in London and when any changes were made to allow Cllr Homer and Cllr Jackson to book hotels outside of the then published limits. 

A.5 Please see the attached: April Allowances April 2019


Q.6 On stays in London, details of all expenses relating to food and drink claimed by Cllr Jackson and Cllr Homer.

A.6 No claims have been claimed for in the travel system.


Q.7 Any evidence you have of proof that their trips were on council business including confirmation by third parties that they attended said meetings.

A.7 Please see response to Q.1




If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request an internal review by writing within 2 months from the date of this response to the Information Governance Office: 


Information Governance Office

Northumberland County Council

County Hall


NE61 2EF”

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