Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Pull Back from polishing roads to farms Glen and get your manifesto promise to fill all the potholes started!

In the run up to the Local Government elections 2017, the Tories ran a successful campaign regarding the potholes in highways across the County of Northumberland stating on social media it was because Labour were fixated on delivering the ‘Local Transport Plan’ to the detriment of potholes across the County.

Councillor Glen Sanderson the current leader of Council was given the job of portfolio holder for Local Services to deliver this manifesto promise.

After May 2017 following a major shift in emphasis and policy in order to become a top secret organisation, the public were denied access to the reporting list for highways repairs and progress on the delivery of the Local Transport Plan on the Councils website in order that criticism of any failings was reduced.

The residents of the County were slightly slow in noticing the changes but gradually through the process of sickening off your public by ignoring their plight, people turned to the Government sponsored web reporting system,

in order that they could ensure when enquiring and setting the biggest questions in Local Government of ‘WHY have I waited so long and WHEN’ will my report be dealt with, they have a report that they can access and refer back too.

The secrecy surrounding Northumberland County Council and the alleged bullying of staff who give information or make any comment at all to the public has driven residents to rely on this system as trust in their Council is at an all time low.

At the last budget Council meeting recorded for youtube, Tory Councillors were hee-hawing, laughing and cheering when the future work program was read out as it takes the spend for rural roads over £100m since May 2017. Yet this minority Tory Council bolstered by Bedlington Tory independents held by a string of spin about their never to happen investments to improve their Town, are not delivering the Highways element of the Local Transport Plan and some roads and pavements well past their planned life have been delayed for the last three years and will not be delivered in the near future or may be delivered in bits over a number of years as spend is raided to support polished roads to farms.

Interestingly, on fix my the reports for pothole repairs across the South East of the County and the Rural Coalfield have shot up as workers tarmacing in the countryside instead of delivering the plan has reduced their ability to cope. The Tories who laid so much store in their manifesto about repairing potholes across the County are now stymied for cash through their lavish rural spend and are concentrating on spin and semantics to cover up for ignoring the publics needs.

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