Monday, 28 December 2020

Northumbria NHS Areas Ready to Administer Oxford Vaccine

Mrs Dajit Lally the understandably under pressure part time Chief Executive of Northumberland County Council where investigations into leaked emails to Councillors and evidence is being sifted through by teams of both lawyers and auditors, has shown her mettle through this period and has the local NHS ready to deliver the about to be approved Oxford vaccine as soon as its available.

She and the team under her control at the other half of her job in the NHS have rounded up a huge number of volunteers and rescheduled work rosters to ensure the vaccine is delivered in record time to the residents of Northumberland and North Tyneside.

We here at Murky have been made aware through our community contacts that Community Centres and Village Halls County wide and across the more urban North Tyneside are being put on standby to be used as centres to deliver the new inoculation's from.

On a wider note on the same subject the NHS are considering extending the time period between the two injections required to ensure the virus is beaten back in an attempt to cover the whole population with a first round inoculation by Easter 2021.

Rumour has it that Northumberland Conservatives are seething at the prospect of Mrs Lally delivering the goods on this program as their infighting at County Hall gets nearer to self destruction as the investigations into their antics hot up and the local government elections 2021 get ever closer.

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