Thursday, 24 December 2020

Conservid 19 The fourth mutation keeping Priti ‘Ahead of the Curve’

 The news that the Tory Party has been challenged to investigate its policy of lying and saying the first thing that comes into your head released by Party activists last week and published in the press proves that numerous Tories are infected with this new virus mutation, now known as Conservid 19.

The actions of the Tory Party since February 2020 has been  confirmed and proven probably by the Home Secretary’s special advisor that the unique virus infecting onlyTories which they have no resistance to giving them delusions of ultimate power and undying belief in controlling the public’s tears through tiers!

So what delusion has Conservid 19 brought to the frontal lobes of the Home Secretary and her friends? Lets look at some of the ahead of the curve matters.

Don’t close down the City of London into tier three or four until the trading floor of the stock exchange has run down for xmas.

Leave the safeguarding of thousands of Lorry Drivers to the Salvation Army and volunteers risking disease outbreaks over and above the pandemic as only one WC has been supplied at the giant lorry park the Conservid 19 sufferers have been boasting about since March 2020.

 U-turn everywhere but on the roads into Kent.

Never listen to Local Council Leaders and Mayors or other member states of the United Kingdom as Conservid 19 causes the brain to thicken to a level where all shame is underwritten by the released Tory party policy of ensuring you lie and back it up by saying the first thing that comes into your head.

Don’t bother combing your hair before appearing in front of millions of TV Viewers is a known secondary by product of the latest virus mutation.

The Conservid 19 infected refuse to take responsibility for bullying your subordinates and those under your care, yet expecting and accepting a pardon from your boss.

Ensure friends are given top jobs during the Pandemic and showing no shame in what is a giant ‘Red Risk’.

Considering those friends interests even when scientists tell you otherwise and ensure the original pandemic virus which can be caught by everyone, is spread nationwide by ensuring the spectacle of Cheltenham raced the pandemic on its way.

Using pals as agents to provide dodgy PPE is a well illustrated symptom of Conservid 19 but the sweaty and temperature raising needs to fill the pockets of your mates with guaranteed cash while trading in stock and shares is slightly more dangerous for their pocket linings is classic among Conservid 19 sufferers.

The little problem we have as non-scientific reporters here at Murky is that locally in Northumberland we can prove that Conservid 19 has been rabid and spreading since May 2017 and every sufferer has the same beliefs as their Home Secretary that they are well “ahead of the curve” (NOT) and only the pockets of other sufferers are looked after to the detriment of those they are meant to serve!

But we are sure that non sufferers of Conservid 19 will through linked comments will list many more items of proof that Conservid 19 is fully alive and kicking.

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