Wednesday, 6 January 2021

People under 48 demand to know why they are not able to access a Euro Passport?

There seems to be a very vocal spin off from the social media conversations started by students who are now asking why they, as people who were born as Europeans have had what they consider their birthright denied to them through the Governments failure on Brexit?.

The UK joined the European Community via the common market on January 1st 1973 everyone born after that date up until 31st December 2020 did have a dual nationality as both Europeans and UK residents. People born before or after 2020 are UK or British residents and do not have the ability to claim European residents status.

Those chatting on this matter seem to have a much wider view of the situation than us here at Murky but it seems that the lack of consultation on Brexit with the public and the cutting off from Parliamentary debate has suppressed the question they now demand and answer too.

They argue the differences given by the UK Government to Bulgarian Nationals and Southern Cyprus as a state allows the difference they seek to be absorbed into every day life and would certainly widen the scope for people in this age band to hold dual nationality with their now former greater Euro family.

We are sure this argument and technical conversations will run further and we here at Murky will ensure we bring this subject back to you as pressure begins to be placed on Government by the under 48's.  


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