Thursday, 10 December 2020

Writing off your mates debt is an attack on deprived children County-wide.


Week ending 13:December:2020 is quite significant in the Calendrer of Northumberland County’s Tory led Council. Its the week in which the Tories decided to save their mate, Councillor Nick Oliver the man who holds the Financial Portfolio on their behalf from facing bailiffs, court and the possibility of becoming homeless by writing off the debt accrued when he and his wife collapsed their company ‘Katie Kerr’ based in Corbridge and began another company trading in similar goods in the same town.

In a County which has suffered badly under Covid 19 and with a great many families working in the transport and farming industries which the mainstream media tell us will be hit badly if a no deal Brexit followed by deep recession is the outcome of this weeks talks in Brussels, Fellow Tories wrote off a debt that would have covered the cost for 2066 Northumberland families free school meals support food vouchers for one of the weeks over the christmas holidays.

The Tories in their debt write off report to cabinet agreed to write off a £31,000 debt accrued by this Councillor without turning a hair and hiding the actual detail in the overall debt recovery failure element of their report presented in the main by Councillor Oliver himself to a scrutiny panel this week, although as viewed on TV he did declare and interest in item 6 which included his own mess.

The report showed how debt has increased greatly in line with ever more children being forced onto free school meals through the huge hike in unemployment caused by the policies of spin being pursued by both the Government and Tory Groups nationally and only brought to peoples attention through the scandalous way they and Councils under their control went on with showing no compassion whatsoever towards families and children in need.

All we can do as reporters in a murky world is point to decisions like this and inform our readers whom we believe need to know how bad their allegedly corrupt county council really is.

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