Friday, 11 December 2020

Levy and Wearmouth in Different Leagues! and their spin doctors can’t even get any stories lined up.

We have reported on a number of occasions about the mammoth splits in the Northumberland Conservative Party since the investigations into corruption at County Hall in Morpeth appeared in full public view following the leaking of an email from a whistleblower to Councillors.

The Conservatives in this County have become the epitome of English league football in the 1970’s with no premier league and pre Bosman clubs, with over the hill playing staff going through the motions as they wait to see if chairman of other teams will come to their rescue and fork out a transfer payment for their services. That neglect killed football’s quality and Northumberland Tories are now fully entangled in that type of extreme negative culture.

The current first division headed by Glen Sanderson now has to make promises to spend in the North of the County as his team has recruited from that area. It's believed he has had to promise to build a new theatre to replace the playhouse in order to keep his team under his control.

The second division is managed by the former ‘A-team’ the Castle Morpeth Mob. Let down by their former Leader Peter Jackson of  Ponteland kicked out of his job by the opposition and sent to wasteland. Division two now led by Cllr Wearmouth who isn’t doing very well being the Chairman of ADVANCE Northumberland and his former mates have let him down badly.

Division three is made up of the turncoat Cramlington Conservatives. Councillors jointly captained by the shark himself, Cllr. Wayne Daley who split from the Jackson group and voted with the Labour Party to get rid of him. His back up, the paper candidate now residing in  Alnwick, Barry Flux sat on all sides in this dispute like the Norwegian nasty party sympathiser Vidkun Quisling.

This leaves Division Four with Ian Levy MP waiting to drop out from the professional scene whilst spinning out false news as he hasn’t been told that his Government in London have slashed the funds for delivery of the projects he is trying to spin to Blyth Valley Residents. The differences and divisions are now in print for posterity with the release of his ‘Reporting Back’ leaflet where it looks like he has lost the plot and position his party has put itself in at County Council level.

Let's take Public Health, still managed by the first division team, great success has been hailed by Levy who must not have noticed things that were going on during his Chancellors spending review which he supported. The North East has taken the biggest hit nationally with a huge reduction of £26 per person Northumberland loses £7.8M because of the action from his Tories, supporting London over the North.

When reporting back, Ian Levy has come out with even more sin about the reopening of the AB&T rail line just being over the horizon. We think we should point out that the horizon is at rainbows end. Levy needs to ensure he gifts a copy of the News Post Leader to his spin doctor as the man allotted to look after Blyth by the Tories, second divisions Richard Wearmouth came out in that awesome media machine last week telling the people of South East Northumberland and the motorists of Blyth that residents will have to possibly wait another ten years before they see either the rail line reopening or the Cowpen Road bypass built. His Government will have seen the asthma rates rise across Blyth and its very short life expectancy figures maintained at their current unacceptable level whilst cash to help Pubic Health experts combat the problems has been cut to the bone.

But one of the most sickening announcements by Levy was regarding the 60yr old Blyth Leisure Centre which the last Labour administration at County Hall was going to renew, and build closer to the Town Centre on the bus station or gasometer site to help commerce, is to now be simply refurbished by the Tories for £5M at the same time as Division 1 at County Hall announced a new Leisure Centre for Morpeth at £21M which local people from that Town are rallying against as it will remove two large car parks from public use.

Ian levy in his literature is praising the £40M Blyth Town will be gifted from Government whilst Richard Wearmouth is letting down the public from Blyth in the NPL telling them that the offer is down to £15M and he is going to concentrate efforts on Blyth Town Labour's plan to provide parking and cycle access on Bowes Street. Come on chaps try at least to get the fibs to match!

There doesn’t appear to be any mention or an apology in ‘Reporting Back’ for Ian Levy’s voting record on free school meals, the rise in unemployment across the Town, the spending review that is skewed towards London and the South East, Public Sector pay cap to grind the workers who support local economies in its times of greatest need further into the ground and his initial lack of support for an extension of the furlough scheme and extra help for the self employed small business sector such as Taxi Drivers, Hairdressers, Nail Bars and open air market traders who have seen their business driven down to desperation level during this pandemic.

But the biggest division between all the Tory leagues in Northumberland is the reason why so many families are reliant on Food Banks and Charity? Its because the theology and thought processes of a Tory are always driven by what they can take and get from society and not what they can give back. Austerity and its revival through the spending review brings that process into full public sight. Ian Levy, ‘Reporting Back’ needs to be honest & truthful and you need to take ownership of what you and your County Council are doing to society and at least match up your fibs in future!

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