Monday, 30 October 2023

Taxpayers Alliance expose Northumberland County Councils Tories yet again!


Yet again the taxpayers alliance have caught Northumberland County Councillors with their knickers down yet again.

Although this Tory led County Council makes plenty of noise regarding how brilliant Morpeth has become under their leadership through information released via the lodge. The rest of the Counties 300,000 residents have not got any idea if what’s delivered within the old Castle Morpeth boundaries is good value for them or not.

And why not you may ask? Because the County of Northumberland have put full and audited accounts over the last few years on the back burner issuing only draft accounts and expecting their residents to make up what is good and what is bad from Northumberland conservatives without the support of the external auditor.

With doginess being next to godliness for Northumberland conservatives we the public need to know why secrecy rules and truthfulness is a forgotten term.

The patheticos who politically run Northumberland must know they have let the Counties residents in all walks of like down a back alley since May 2017 and issuing draft elements of the truth into the public realm will drag them down the plug hole much faster than they planned or thought.

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