Wednesday, 29 December 2021

When will the bullying stop at NCC?


This week it has been widely reported that Cramlington Conservative Councillor Christine Dunbar has been further bullied when someone painted a personal anti Dunbar slogan on a football field in the Town using weedkiller, the slogan has apparently been removed by Council Grounds staff.

County Councillor Dunbar was one of the three Cramlington Conservative Councillors who stood up against the dreadful Conservative bully boys at County Hall and voted with the opposition groups to remove the alleged chief protagonist Councillor Peter Jackson from office last year. 

We believe we will hear more from the County Council on his antics shortly following major investigations by an external investigator who is reporting back to the Council's Standards of Public Life team.

The new Leader of the Conservative group at County Hall following Councillor Jacksons demise from office Councillor Sanderson offered Ms. Dunbar a deputy portfolio position in his cabinet in May 2021. A post she stood down from in October 2021 with local social media citing alleged bullying as the reason. Ms. Dunbar, an ex-cop was replaced by another ex-cop, a close friend of the Hexham MP Guy Opperman, Councillor Gordon Stewart to replace her. A man whose former cop life has been widely exposed through the publication of a court case he was part of against a Chief Constable. It didn't go well for Councillor Stewart.

So we ask, when will the bullying at County Hall stop and will Councillor Dunbar join others who have left the Conservative Party after episodes of bullying and stand on an independent ticket at the next election? 

Probably a wise thing to do as the collapse of confidence in anything Conservative won't be cured by a simple change of leadership at the top of the Party. Neoliberalism is now well ingrained at all levels of Tory society and the public are feeling the strain and the effects of a 'jab' won't give the national 'herd' immunity from the ballot box however quickly the Tories twist the boundaries in their favour or remove scrutiny and probity from Parliament and Councils to run the nation through a series of Governors with a despot at the top.

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