Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Breach of Nolan principles as County Council LEADER and his DEPUTY slip off on holiday as


Storm Arwen rushes through!

News leaks from the broken to bits Conservatives in Northumberland appear to centre on the disaster surrounding the act of  having history repeat itself in the wider ranks of the Tories outside Parliament.

It seems to be common knowledge that in a similar fashion to their own Government ministers Dominic Raab and PM Boris Johnson during the Afghanistan emergency, Northumberland Council Leader Glenn Sanderson and his sidekick and Deputy Councillor Richard Wearmouth were on holiday and stayed away as Storm Arwen blew havoc across the County. 

Their actions left the Council without democratic resilience with Councillor's Horncastle and Stewart having to manage through their responsibilities for public safety but leadership of the administration was not in place and decision making non-existent.

The Nolan Principles about standards in public life place special emphasis on Council Leadership and both leader and deputy being on leave at the same time leaves an unforgivable gap which left the Council rudderless in its endeavours to call an emergency, taking six days to politically recognise its responsibilities to the people of the County under their control.

With opposition Councillors seriously aggrieved through these breaches of standards by leading Councillors the administration was unable to take notice of suggestions or rate the cricies in order of importance leaving the cries for help from the residents opposition councillors represent unanswered as the democratic void was left completely unfilled.

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