Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Will the 'Secret Council' succumb and pay the 'Regal Tithe'? or has it already?

Although most readers of this blog would like their County Council, based in Morpeth to be held accountable in a similar fashion to the Bryony Frost bullying stories, Councillors as well as many residents do not seem to want to be faced with anymore 'towel up' photos as was the habit of at least one of the accused bullies who may have their misdemeanors hidden under a bushel by the do nowt and say nowt Tories at County Hall. 

In a don't do as I do, do as I always do, keep the truth secret, The Tories latest angle for political wit was to criticise some Blyth and Wansbeck Councillors who attended a meeting in the rural Coalfield for deserting their posts whilst having their own photos taken miles from their wards in the about to be destroyed through their arrogance, Town Square in Blyth when they should have been paying homage to their Lord and Master in Alnwick.

Lord Percy, their Duke and the Local Tories Tory, who hasn't found another rare painting next to his washer dryer at Syon House this year needs some dosh and is trying to get that moolah from his mates at the County Council!

According to the Brentford edition of the Metro which describes itself as the World's most popular free newspaper on 17th Dec. 2021 printed an article entitled the 'Harry Potter Duke and the railway line of ire.' describing the Dukes latest 'Tithe' expected to be slipped over to his coffers each side every year by the Tories from the empty pockets of their Council Tax payers. The Metro wrote:

One of Britain's richest aristocrats is accused of using 'archaic' rules to stop a new rail service crossing his estate unless he gets £600,000 a year in rent.

The reinstated Northumberland line axed in the 1960's Beeching cuts - will link Ashington and Blyth to Newcastle which locals say will boost the Towns.

But Ralph Percy, 64- 12th Duke of Northumberland and worth £315million- is said to be in dispute over wayleave contracts agreed when the lines were built as coal handling routes on his land.

Richard Turney, Northumberland County Council Lawyer, calls tge deals 'archaic' and highly contentious adding the Duke twice threatened the wayleaves…. With an extraordinary demand for more than £600,000 rent.

The Duke whose Alnwick Castle was used in the Harry Potter films, insists he 'backs the line and agreed access and land with the Council'. His firm blamed a separate dispute with Network Rail, who are attempting to claim private property rights without appropriate consultation and compensation.

But local Stephen Rowe 45, said 'Its money grabbing - just plain and simple'.

The murky question we must ask the 'Secret Tory Council' is, if an agreement has been reached by the Dukes 'Firm' with your 'Firm' for annual rent compensation, how much is it and what's it for?


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