Thursday, 2 December 2021

'Secret Council's' railway spin amplifies Tory Party splits across Northumberland.

By asking the transport secretary if the levelling up of the North of Tyne is still going ahead through the guarantee of funding to reopen the A,B & T, Northumberland line, Ian Lavery MP caused unbelievable panic amongst the spin doctors linked with County Hall at Morpeth.

Although Conservative Ryan MP spouted eloquently on the subject his statement lacked the keenness required by everyone involved with this project, hardening in the worries held by the differing factions within Northumberland Conservatives.

The well spun tale from local tories regarding the delivery of a new station at Blyth Newsham in conjunction with a dual carriageway development along the
Laverock Hall Road to remove the slow access to the station by rail users from Cramlington were also stymied following a story regarding the lack of design quality from the leaders group in control at County Hall appearing in the Chronicle newspaper.

Within hours a design showing the new Newsham station complete with lifts and Laverock Hall Road passing under the station in single carriageway format was released through the 'department for propaganda' at County Hall then crept out by the leaders group supporters embarrassing Blyth and Cramlington Tories in the bargain.

This spin shows how fractured the Tories in the County have become with this story being followed up by Facebook users insisting the Leader of Cramlington and Blyth Conservatives, Councillor Wayne Daley was completely unaware that extremely valuable Council assets are being gifted to a school where the aforesaid Councillor was involved in youth work for many years.

The outcome for the Tories across the County is a series of questions that must be asked by the opposition to the Tory dominance in the Council chamber or will the new disease variant close down the Council for another 12 month leaving the Leader of Council, Glenn Sanderson, to continue with his attempt to reorganise the County as an independent republic that he can run in his own image from home without interference from the democratic needs of its populous?

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