Monday, 3 January 2022

Puppet masters' strings are now stretched too far, the secrets are caught up in the frayed ends. Trade Unions up in arms about the latest dodgy news.


With secrets abounding among Northumberland Conservatives and the fallouts growing daily as ordinary residents are pressing the local Tory warlords about what's going on behind the slammed shut gates at County Hall.

It's said the deputy leader of Northumberland Conservatives who is also the crowned regional top tory, Councillor Richard Wearmouth advises MP's from around the County as well as those councillors who sit at his right hand and hang on his every word good or bad.

Yet over the last few weeks we have had two of those MP's getting into the press for all the wrong reasons at a time when the Tory Party is beginning to lose its grip and control over the nation with their dreaded enemy Keir Starmer running away with the polls.

At County Hall as well as the leaks surrounding Councillor Homer's antics and displays of temper heard at her Standards Board hearing, the common knowledge is that in order to keep ever more problems facing the Tories completely under wraps, the puppet master and his ally the Leader of Council have brought in a new legal monitoring officer who's instruction appears to be 'quell the growing number of bullying complaints and don't let the electorate know'.

The answer appears to be a grievance committee with five members hearing the complaints from staff against councillors. The noise from County Hall appears to indicate that four of those committee members will be from the Council's 'Secret one party cabinet' and the fifth member will be used as the lamb waiting for the slaughter! They are hoping that this move will keep their members away from the Council's Standards Board, but it may lead to ever more industrial tribunals and increase costs to the Council Taxpayer.

The trade unions are incensed with the suggestion and still have no knowledge of the rules of engagement and if both their officers and solicitors will be able to present cases to the 'Secret set'?

The noise surrounding these latest attempts to cover up the fear, danger and episodes of serious bullying taking place at County Hall is almost deafening and with the opposition to the current administration reforming and growing in strength all willing to work with the trade unions on this issue the puppet master's worries that his secret teams noses, may begin to rapidly grow and give the game away is getting ever closer to becoming reality.

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