Friday, 10 December 2021

Has Hexham's MP given up reading official advice?

As many readers of this blog will know there's a by election taking place in Hexham East on the back of the Tory Council's loss of a member who was named as a bully and activities across the Council which are being investigated by professionals which will be the basis of a number of standards board cases to bottom out the attacks on staff from leading Tory Councillors. This of course is coupled with Government's failure to tackle sleaze or control the avarice of its members when boozy parties are available to attend.

Guy Opperman MP has issued the attached letter around the ward of Hexham East in what is possibly a vain attempt to colour the outcome of a local government election. We here at murky believe he must have missed this year's guidance from Parliament on this issue so shouldn't be too bothered if we remind the public as to what advice and guidance contains:

2021 guidance

- Particular care should be taken over official support, and

the use of public resources, including publicity, for government announcements that could have a bearing on matters relevant to the elections. 

-In some cases it may be better to defer an announcement until after the elections, but this would need to be balanced carefully against any implication that deferral could itself influence the political outcome. 

-Each case should be considered on its merits. Care should also be taken in relation to proposed visits. Special care should be taken in respect of paid publicity campaigns and to ensure that publicity is not open to the criticism that it is being undertaken for party political purposes.

-There should be even-handedness in meeting information requests from the different political parties and campaigning groups.

Guy's revelations regarding funding for the Town, although wrong in their entirety, will fall outside these guidelines. As a self important legal eagle he should not have let himself or his constituents down in this manner and really should have known better.

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