Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Tories letting down their farming power base.


Relying on foreign trade deals has failed to safeguard food supplies and is damaging lifetimes of family investments.

The agricultural, livestock and horticultural industries have been meeting across the UK with cross-sector calls for the Government to ensure food security for the nation by 'fixing' the country's supply chain problems and not hiding behind spin and mass hysteria to mask the 'State of the Nation'.

A summit of the affected organisations was called by the National Farmers Union to discuss the issues. The summit called on Government to commit to a minimum of 60% grown and produced in Britain self sufficiency. 

A local Northumberland farmers wife spoke with us regarding the current dire situation the industry finds itself in. She said "I'm so upset with whom I consider to be my Government selling us down the river in this fashion. The statements we were anointed with during the Brexit campaign regarding help for the farming and fishing industries have turned sour since and many of us who have invested generations of time in our land and surrounding seas feel completely and utterly let down by the current crop of charlatans who are letting this nation down, who want to see our marketplaces flooded with cheap foreign imports."

The Leader of Northumberland Labour Group, Councillor Scott Dickinson said: "being brought up in and now a Councillor for a rural area of Northumberland I know first hand how worried my friends and neighbours who rely for their livelihoods on agriculture horticulture and fishing feel about this Government's treatment of them and their families". "For many families the stand taken by the Tories is a complete letdown when compared with the promises given when Britain chose to leave Europe. People in the industry expected some of the supposed savings would be spent on strengthening their industry. Instead they now know that the lies were told by the Tories to weaken the strength they had gained through membership of the EU and the Government's carpet bagging investor mates will be the only winners until a Labour Government gains access to the keys of No.10".

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