Saturday, 27 November 2021

Bullying, is it leaching out from County Hall in Morpeth as living patterns change?

Here at murky we have tried to bring you the background stories emanating from the 'secret council' at County Hall in Morpeth whilst the mainstream press get their teeth into the ongoing official investigations into the spin, lies and bullying that's been an ever present for almost the last five years.

As a regular reader of our blog you are aware we glean much of our information from social media or leaks from the sieve which the almost empty County Hall has become, as people wish to tell all about their experiences of working for an organisation which has slipped into wonderland from reality. It's where a number of those democratically elected to represent you and work with professional officers to deliver their manifestos have been reborn and expect that the professionals who guide them through the maze Local Government has become must kowtow and let them direct the staff themselves. This attitude appears to have become the norm and is now affecting the workforce itself.

The trade unions are recording a huge rise in the number of abuses the workforce encounter on a daily basis. The Council workforce across the County of Northumberland were always considered as the home of the 'happy arm of the Council', with the public openly praising everyone involved from the carer to the road sweeper, highways workers and gardeners who look after the beautiful towns and villages across the piece. Yet the spin off to the realisation by the public that Council workers have to put up with bullying from top councillors down has changed attitudes entirely.

As a critic of the Council we here at murky believe the opposition parties at County Hall should make an immediate stand on behalf of the workers and ensure the public know they are doing their duty in both protecting the workforce and engaging the public, gifting them the knowledge that our public workforce is the real prime resource of the Council and workers are not there to take the flak that in the case of Northumberland needs to be directed towards members of the administration In power.

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