Thursday, 26 November 2020

Tories puts back rail line and Blyth bypass scheme 10yrs.

Northumberland top Tory, member of the allegedly corrupt Council Cabinet and Chairperson of the Councils operating in the shadows partner company Advance Northumberland is quoted in an article in Blyth and Ashington’s local newspaper the News Post Leader telling Blyth residents that its well promised plans to develop a Cowpen Road bypass and the reopening of the AB&T Line which his party have renamed the Northumberland Line have been shelved for 10years and that he wants to dump busses onto Blyth’s wonderful Marketplace! 

This story ties the accusation of rampant overspend on legal defence of Councillors, compensation of maligned officers cases lost in court, the massive cost of losing unbelievable numbers of planning appeals, the huge costs of unnecessary politically motivated investigations, and the gigantic spend on a ‘lick of paint’ at County Hall in Morpeth, in with the known mess the Council finds itself in financially through political interference.

Northumberland Conservatives have run an administration whose mindset is completely centred on Morpeth and as the driving force for the regional Conservatives Cllr. Warmouth is accussed of pushing through plans pre-2017 to damage Ashington and Bedlington’s Town Centres and by delivering nothing but media spin over the last three and half years seems to be working hard to bring Blyth in line with its neighbouring townships.

The news report also shows that Cllr Wearmouth and his dodgy broken group at County Hall, Morpeth, have abandoned the Tory MP for Blyth Valley, Ian Levy.  His media machine was fully geared towards him taking the plaudits on the announcement of any reopening of the rail line but his carriage has derailed as he is left sitting on the wrong side of the tracks in the split Northumberland Conservative Party.

This news post leader report is really significant for South East Northumberland residents as it shows that the Government who are hanging their hats on recovery driven by huge infrastructure projects using the cash from public sector pension funds to finance them. Those projects include the Tories HS2 program which is designed to benefit the South and stretch the Capitals commuter belt as far North as Birmingham. 

The report also contains a line or two of much weaker spin than usual with Cllr Wearmouth repeating his split tongue tale that £25m will arrive shortly to help Blyth. That help from a Morpeth Tory is to destroy one of the finest tree lined public open spaces in the North of England, Blyth’s marketplace and let busses park on it.


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