Thursday, 19 November 2020

Green Britain or Rip Off Britain?

Your Murky team has decided to take a very tiny initial look at Boris Johnsons announcement on ‘Greening the United Kingdom in a single decade’ as we believe Tories do nothing at all unless they and their cohorts are going to benefit financially from any, even the slightest effort they put in.

As Boris is a completely true blue then as he announced his green revolution of attempting to change our habits of driving cars which are not powered by Petrol or Diesel had he noticed that somehow he has to raise at least £28Bn annually to replace car fuel duty?

Some his other changes look great but what will they do to society and how will his investor chums benefit from his suggestions, such as rewilding 30% of the UK land mass, including the shoreline areas, mixing natural gas with hydrogen to slow the change over from Gas boilers to the retro 1960’s vision of the ‘All electric home’, as the infrastructure to generate ever more supplies of sustainable electricity and decommission the old high polluters takes place. He also has to tackle the wrath of people who don’t want ever more micro nuclear plant and onshore windfarms developed near their homes.

In some respects his announcement possibly highlights his need to be seen as a republican PM, cutting off the UK reliance on middle eastern oil  and Russian transcontinental pipeline supplied gas over a very short historical period indeed, a single decade. Now that Dominic Cummings has left his employ his vision seems to have changed to building Australian style closed borders (as its hard to build a Trumpian wall around an island). But does his republican vision have anything built in to end fuel poverty?

Raising £28Bn plus annually from domestic and institutional energy users changes many parts of society, those currently living on a state pension the average pension is £131 per week, spends almost one weeks pension each month on their basic energy, water, sewage and percentage of Council Tax they pay, that average has been dragged up slightly through new pensions payments of £174 a week so some possibly pay more than a weeks pension or stay cold in their homes.

To replace the £28Bn the ‘Triple Lock’ annual increase in pension would need to rise at an additional 2% above its annual figure over a decade to keep up with the needs of HMRC and begin to level out although not decrease fuel poverty among those living on basic state pension

We will murkily take a look at this again with a local twist as the Tory spin subsides but at this moment in time we have to agree with the shadow business secretary Ed Millibands view that its a rebadging of funding pots and reheated pledges. 

 Heres the list that constitutes the plan but without his spin team in No10 when will the costed road map appear?


A.          Wind energy and the rebirth of the Dogger Banks scheme that has attracted inward investment and is possibly ready to begin its development but in order to do that Johnson is to utilise Scotlands surplus energy supply hoping levelling up of jobs doesn’t require Scotland to use it themselves.

B.          Hydrogen usage and modification to power clean goods transport, buses and trains on non-electrified lines. As well as mixing with natural gas for domestic properties and developing hydrogen driven towns within a decade?

C.          Nuclear Power is to be expanded through the use of micro generators, Planning and Tory member nimbyism may slow those plans down.

D.          Electric Vehicles and some types of hybrids to ensure you can travel further than into the next county before you have to find a charging point.

E.          Public Transport, walking and cycling, he wants to make it more attractive?

F.           Green shipping and planes?

G.          Homes and public buildings to make them warmer and more energy efficient  aiming to retrofit 600,000 heat pumps by 2028.

H.          Leading the world in Carbon Capture

I.             Treeplanting, he wants 30,000 hectares of land planted with deciduous trees  in a new round of forestry. He musn’t have noticed that the wealthy families who support his crazy gang plant them for death duty purposes, lets see those arguments unfold when his MP’s are put under pressure.

J.           Innovation and Finance
To ensure his mates in the city are fully engaged in the investment in and development of green technology Englands biggest city is to become the centre of ‘greeness’ Surely this is something that is innovative and should be devolved to the Shires.

Pressure is on for Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP who on taking up her new energy post possibly missed the fact that the need for knowledge from a greening nation will now sit on her doorstep.

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