Friday, 13 November 2020

Dark Side v Moderates

 Ian Levy MP on the wrong side of the chasm!

Murky noticed that it's almost a year since the Monica Lewinsky letter leaked to probably anyone who has an email address in Northumberland its contents blew the bullying tactics and belief in totalitarianism of Northumberland in-power Tories out into the open.

The letter also highlighted the conditions that staff were working under and how the budgets of the Council were being unfairly twisted towards areas of affluence with cash assistance and help being stripped from areas of greatest need. 

The extension of poverty and disregard for those striving to survive along with the atrocious working conditions being endured by staff loyal to public service festered on and led eventually to the Councils top officer being sent home to rot on extended leave for daring to stick up for her staff and hoping the public at large would pick up the dreadful situation via the press in a cry for help for her beleaguered workforce with a whistleblower email accusing the Council of corruption.

A revolt of strong resistance from the Labour Parties broad church socialists in the chamber aided by the moderate Tories, Libdems and independent Councillors ousted its Leader, Councillor Casanova Peter Jackson from office forcing a resurgence among the moderates who chose the restrained Councillor Glen Sanderson to replace him.

During the last few weeks since these majorly unusual actions from a Council and counter allegations from the former Emperor disgraced leader of council Peter Jackson which are seen as very damaging indeed to the Tory Party and it's been reported that Police, external auditors and both internal fraud & external forensic lawyers have been engaged who have found that the CEX, Mrs Lally, is innocent of any wrongdoings and it's been rumoured to us at Murky that the ex-Emperor and his bully boy battle troops are stepping up their attempts to remove her from her employment. Mrs Lally seen as the prime passionate objector to their totalitarian regime has been backed up by previously introduced government legislation missed from the Councils policies on purpose and if the Castle Morpeth dark siders make another move to sever her from her post the decision would have to be agreed by the whole Council.

Any dark side attack on its new leader and the CEX may be a step too far for the more honest Conservative Councillors among their ranks and support to defeat any threat to depose either may lead the Board of the Northumbria Healthcare Foundation Trust, the CEX’s partner employer to become embroiled in what the public of Northumberland are beginning to see as damaging to the County’s reputation nationally, and in a County almost totally reliant on tourism where it is essential the clean and pure sentiment that ensures post covid and Brexit tourists flock back in their hoards is not sullied by the events of internal gang warfare between the political factions which make up Northumberland Conservatives.

Coups are difficult to accept if your ultimate goal is forged through secretive organisations sullying your reputations and Northumberland Tories should worry if reputation is something you desire? The nasty party element who now form a minority among Northumberland Tories are in completely sweaty panic mode and are rallying their troops which apparently do not include both of their long serving MP’s to burn the moderates tails and bring in one of their warlords to run the Council as the puppet of the very spiteful Peter Jackson to replace Councillor Sanderson who its believed has refused to sack the CEX since she was cleared of all wrongdoing while investigators crawl all over the worried dark side Tories, their brass necked bullying secretive influence and handling of Council affairs and finances. Unfortunately for him, history will show the MP for Blyth Valley Ian Levey is sitting on the wrong side of the chasm and is supporting both the corrupt former regime and the bully boy tactics being used by the dark-siders. The Cramlington moderates who did his work for him and got him elected have been cast aside in this latest coup and he has even begun removing supporters from his social media platforms. It's rumoured of course that he sits with the nasty party corrupters at their secret society do’s, no surprise there then?

Meetings have been held to garner support to bring a dark sider back into the Leadership to control the County, at first it was thought that the man central to the Morpethgate scandal would be best placed to do in the staff but he was shunned by even some of his own. So they are promoting Darth Vader the Oswald Molesly of the County, Ricky Wearmouth. His promotion may turn the County Council into the type of mess we see at Advance Northumberland and who would want any of that? Luckily for the taxpayer the old Emperor hasn’t got the numbers to win this battle and Councillors Sanderson and Dodds can sit back and watch until May 2021 at least!

The dark siders and their sole MP Ian Levy are so vain in their beliefs of their totalitarianism that lies don’t matter therefore if the investigations don’t stop them in their tracks, Peter Jackson will show them that they need to act like Farmers and plough ahead regardless ruining Northumberlands reputation into the bargain.


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