Saturday, 7 November 2020

Progressive Labour save Hill

Council meeting geeks like us at Murky couldn’t help but notice the new face on the block at last wednesday's online meeting of full Council in Northumberland, Caroline Elwood the Councils new Governance Consultant she had to endure her first professional viewing of the two faced Morpeth Mafia mob which spins around the maypole of life in full public view. Only time will tell if she is able to help stop the rot.

During the long boring and self patronising from the Tories meeting, Councillor Hill from Berwick corrected the beleaguered Councillor Oliver when the Council debated bringing their arms length development company Advance Northumberland, audit function into a group audit that his accounts had not been accepted and that they had been ‘qualified’ for the last three years. 

An auditor's report is qualified when there is either a limitation of scope in the auditor's work, or when there is a disagreement with management regarding application, acceptability or adequacy of accounting policies. For auditors an issue must be material (real or true) or financially worth consideration to qualify a report. Effectively Councillor (black hole) Oliver’s accounts have failed the test for the last three years.

Following her remarks a well orchestrated attack on Councillor Hill took place and the Tories in the shape of their ex-leader and rich farming playboy Peter Jackson who has aged considerably since his last appearance on TV pushed forward a proposal to bring in an independent chairperson to replace Councillor Hill. Council Audit Committees have independent people on them but the Tories brought in a less than independent into theirs, the former Tory Group Leader of South Cambs Council Peter Topping possibly the person to be promoted to chair.

Councillor Susan Dungworth who instantly saw the move to bring down the CEX Daljit Lally as the ultimate aim of the Tories leapt to Councillor Hills defence and praised both her and her predecessor Councillor Anne Dale as acting independently from Council. 

The debate turned into boiling gruel and legal advice was issued, the new chair of Council, Barry Flux offered a free vote on the matter to try to relieve tension and the Morpeth Mob were defeated.

In the same vein rumours from MP’s offices indicate that Northumberland Conservatives have been begging Ministers for the Council to be put into special measures to stop their personal reputations being damaged through the high probability that a fourth set of ‘qualified’ accounts in as many years will be the result of this years audit as the spun out news in the press from last week that the investigations into Corruption, Racism, Bullying, Malpractice, Mismanagement dodgy land dealing etc were over and the angelic choir of angels at County Hall were innocent of all allegations was a fabrication and the investigations using forensic auditors who will prepare reports that may be used by the Police are still well and truly on and after this weeks dodgy moves were sure the independence of Councillor Hill will allow the truth to leech out.



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