Sunday, 1 November 2020

Police must have given up on Northumberland County Council

But the Tories will still legitimise themselves through the Kangaroo Courts of their Audit Committee

In a week when Murky has noticed that ’he who pays the piper calls the tune’. That phrase comes to mind in both national and local politics with the weekly news media who need the advertising revenue from the County Council concentrating their efforts on firstly printing a story on behalf of Northumberland Conservatives who tried to condemn a former worker for telling the truth through the printing of a false claim in the press, they then have the gall to run out a story explaining how the Councils cabinet members past and present are completely innocent of all of the allegations listed by the Councils Chief Executive in leaked emails and reported to the Police because private investigators (hired by them) have said so.

Apparently the allegations of bullying, racism, dodgy land dealings, fraudulent spend, mismanagement and corruption are false and everyone in the Conservative Party is gung ho with the result. With this outstanding revelation that knocks all the efforts of Labours leadership pairing of Councillors Dungworth and Dickinson into a cocked hat after they moved mountains to protect the  Chief Executive only to find out that the all of the allegations from her have been found by the ‘Pipers’ to possibly be the figment of her imagination after she has returned to her job in charge of the County Council.

These allegations, believed by Council members from all parties and the events following their release which saw Councillors leave their highly paid cabinet positions to support the ‘Golden Fleece’ of truth laid out before them, they moved rapidly as a joint Council unit to kick out its leader, rich farmer Peter Jackson after exposing him as a lethario and for allegedly fraudulently using Council expenses to fund his love life with the person since named as principal bully!

Now that the Tories handsomely paid for internal investigators have found the allegations to be untrue and the Police found them not to be criminal will those who have lost out now all be brought back into their former positions and their pay packets reinstated/ We bet they won’t?

The next move is standard practise from the Tories in Northumberland they will produce a report for the supposedly independent audit committee usually written by Councillors Wearmouth and Oliver. A committee which has a former Conservative Leader of South Cambs Council as its ‘independent’ person and ‘prove’ through the report beyond a shadow of doubt that the investigators are correct and the angels in their mob could not do anything wrong in the eyes of the lord. (we will not name the lord in this article). Tories will come out of the woodwork to support the Kangaroo Court of the audit committee and the investigators reports while the accused use the event to legitimise the innocence of their team and lay the blame for the whole fiasco on Dungworth and Dickinson. Then it's off to pull the pinnies on and booze and binge at the lodge. 


Its good to know that the public are safe in the hands of Northumberland Conservatives: NOT! 


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