Monday, 23 November 2020

Priti or Ugly is Bullying endemic at all levels of the Tory Party. Does Northumberlands experience back up the ‘Nasty Party’ image?

Remember 2017? well we at Murky do. Priti Patel, someone who has shown herself to be not only a nasty party bully girl of the first order but during 2017 she had to be removed from her Cabinet post by Theresa May for holding a series of secret unofficial meetings with the Isreali Government. (was she also trying to ‘fit up’ the tongue slipping Jeremy Corbyn at the time?). Following her talks, Patel asked about sending British aid money to the Israeli army, for funding humanitarian projects in the occupied area of Golan Heights – something she discussed with Israeli officials. This added to the charges against Patel – the UK doesn’t recognise Israel’s occupation there, so public money can’t be spent on it.

Afterwards Ms Patel is quoted in the Guardian saying: “Boris [Johnson] knew about the visit. The point is that the Foreign Office did know about this, Boris knew about [the trip].” He was Foriegn Minister at the time.

Johnson brought her back to life as Home Secretary after winning the 2019 General Election and she began showing some traits that were of serious concern to other MP’s and the general public. Her wish to send anyone who has applied for status as an asylum seeker should be in her words “processed” and bundled off to the Ascension Islands in the South Atlantic. followed by her bullying many more thousands of people when she was ecstatic in June this year on announcing that the 30 recommendations in the ’Windrush report’ would be implemented by the Government.  On live TV she was shown fuming when even other nasties voted with the opposition to set up a compensation scheme for Caribbean families bullied by Patel who were wrongly told they were in the UK illegally. Yet the Tories ‘Corbyn’, Prime Minister Johnson supports her stance and has rushed to her side, what has she got on him?

Her now famous recent events, the bullying of staff who are engaged to work with elected representatives lines up clearly with the accusations being investigated in Northumberland County Council where endemic bullying of staff by elected Tory Councillors is rife, along with allegations of racism, dodgy land dealing, corruption, public cash wasting on refurbishing an almost empty headquarters spending almost double that of building a new office block along with a myriad of power crazy actions down to the level of stopping planned work in Labour voting areas to punish those who dare stand against them.

Luckily the other Councillors including some urban based Tories saw sense and threw out the Leader of Council, Cllr. Peter Jackson. But his nasty gang still survived and are still making the lives of employees and other Councillors as miserable as they can whilst high level investigations go on into their activities.

Labour, LibDem and some Independent Councillors have shown and expressed support for the position the staff find themselves in and with the Tories themselves split into two opposing factions battling each other at the secret societies they belong too, the investigators can carry on and prepare a report into what has really been happening at the Council and its attached companies? But unlike the Boris support for Patel, its hoped the new Leader of Council won’t rally to the sides of his beleaguered Party attack dogs!

Mr Mrs Priti

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