Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Message from the slurry tank!

The Tories Lied about their CEX

Revelations in the Northumberland local weekly press show that the disgraced leader of Northumberland Conservative Group Cllr Peter Jackson may have libeled his Chief Executive Mrs Daljit Lally when he exposed her travel arrangements and costs on behalf of the Council and Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

He expressed his opinion that the costs of attempting to win business from far afield was in our murky words ‘a beanie for his CEX’.

Investigations have been opened into his verbal outburst of diarrhoea and they have proven that Mrs Lally is innocent of the allegations Jackson made against her and the business and international department is squeaky clean.

But the reports highlight that the investigations by auditors, fraud investigators  and Northumbria Police into the Council are still going on and the Tory Cabinet at County Hall who have operated in secret since May 2017 have to prepare to defend themselves against the myriad of allegations made by a whistleblower.

We at murky have heard that this band of Councillor farming characters meet regularly in the hot tub of one of their members but some  believe that they would be able to think more clearly if the tub was filled with warm slurry and they can then languish up to their necks and consider their positions in similar company! 








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