Sunday, 25 October 2020

Tories 'winter of discontent' kicks off in October half-term.

 The holes in the ice surrounding Westminster and faithful to the cause Tory Town Halls are opening up so rapidly that the party will have to change as rapidly as Labour has done since December 2019, or the now vocal rebels within their ranks will reform as 'New Conservatives' in order to distance themselves from the the Nasty Party image as soon as they can blame the cremated oven ready brexit deal fairly and squarely on the current PM and his mangy cabinet. The nasty and greedy party image has been redeveloped without any payment to a PR company whose chairman is related to a Cabinet member or political advisor, history may show thats an achievement in itself.

The 'New Conservative' rebellion has been brought about through natural human instincts being attacked by authority. The basic maternal and paternal instinct is hardwired into the human psyche. Members of the current cabinet appear not to think like ordinary folk and have attacked huge numbers of the next generation through taking no notice of opposition politicians who appear much closer to their constituents needs nor grandmothers, fathers and parents within their ranks and wider party supporters. But we must not forget that those ranks did not defy the whips and voted to make sure many young people whose parents have fallen on hard times through the Tories mismanagement of the nation are to be starved out by this failing Government through the lack of support for children in greatest need, those claiming free school meals.

This denial of responsibility by the Tories has been caused by the current chancellors complete compliance with Keynesian monetary policies and brand new policies and laws affecting his figures being formed on the hoof by Boris and his advisors.

But the public won't let go of this and as always we at murky like to bring matters back to Northumberland. Two of our nasty party parliamentary members have went public and are currently whinging and bleating on about being criticised as politicians. Anne-Marie Trevelyan and the minion himself Ian Levy MP who in the words of corporal Jones in Dads Army "they don't like it up em!" Have pathetically written a letter of complaint to parliament about Angela Rayner calling them scum. Was she wrong? We think not. 

As always we don't have any idea about Guy Oppermans stance on this and probably won't until Councillor Gordon Stewart his social media presser has seen which way the sun is shining.

True to type Tories have been running out a sticker on Facebook illustrating that Councils were given £63m to protect families in need earlier this year but reports in the heavyweight press show that Councils shelled out £120m to cover the free school meals costs over the summer holidays without even an IOU from the Treasury to indicate they are ever going to receive it back, which will cause major problems in some all purpose unitary council areas over the next few year.

Cramlington Town Council, a Tory Parish led by 'New Conservative' fly by night politician Wayne Daley (who is responsible for the mess the educational system is in the West of the County through his philanthropic style of management working with and on a non-Council academy in Hexham and who jumped ship as the allegations against the County Council of corruption, bullying, mismanagement, racism etc., came to light) has come out stating they will support Cramlington children's free school meals ad- infinitum in several well written press articles showing how large the split is between the dreadful pinny wearing 'Morpeth mob' nasty party Councillors and the New Conservatives in Cramlington the Counties second largest Town are and how the gangrenous splits won't heal quickly if ever as experts believe Cramlington will be hit hardest by the Governments monetary policies and Brexit as we enter 2021.

The Labour Party in Northumberland are also out with a letter demanding that the new on probation Council Leader Glen Sanderson funds those Children in need. Seeing him live on TV since his promotion shows that Councillor Sanderson who likes to come over as the perfect gentleman is ageing rapidly and the pressure he and his deputy Councillor Dodd are under through being exposed to Police and internal investigations is certainly something these two yokel farmers have never experienced before and they are certainly struggling to hack it.

With neighbouring Councils in the North of Tyne and Borderland partnerships funding the free meals until after Easter term Northumberland is totally reliant on neighbours, family, local businesses, charities, and the Churches working together to get this huge geographical area, the utterly diverse County of Northumberland  through this mess while the nasties hide behind their useless government. Or is that their financial egotistical wizard, the man who hasn't paid off his company debts Councillor Nick Oliver has he blown the lot on gifts to businesses and farmers? When the investigations and audit committee get round to him without interference from Councillor Wearmouth and himself were sure to find out!

Feed the kids Glen, like your Tory ex deputy leader Wayne Daley is doing in Cramlington show you have a heart, some basic feelings of what is right and a smidgen of leadership qualities and forget the handshakes and secrets for now.


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