Saturday, 3 October 2020

Are Northumberland Tories actions encouraging unlawful activity

Although murky has looked at the way Northumberland Tory Councillors, many of whom including their recently resigned Leader Councillor Peter Jackson and his current replacement Councillor Glen Sanderson are millionaire farmers have poured cash into agricultural and rural businesses to help them through the pandemic and beyond as Brexit hits, we believe the Council should look again at a group they have ignored, the plight of those who pour revenue into the Councils coffers each year while keeping residents safe and sound, our struggling cab drivers.

For those who aren't aware of how costly and how controlled the taxi trade is in Northumberland the Council has drivers fully shackled and holds them to ransom to pay for both Hackney carriage and private hire licences and then pay the Council to test their vehicles sucking up the drivers profits while allegedly allowing Tory leaders to run a love affair on the revenue income of which cab drivers payments are a large part.

Nationally the cab drivers trade bodies have surveyed their members and on average through the pandemic their incomes have been slashed by 80%.

Yet the Tories who run the secret society known as the Council Cabinet have decided to support others, many in the farming and agricultural industries with grants and top up payments.

This has led many drivers down the rocky road to ruin, as their cars have to be maintained to an exacting standard which is extremely costly steering them towards using loan sharks if anything needs repairing on their vehicles.

Labour controlled Councils in the North and Midlands are looking to drive illegal lending out of this trade and in conjunction with Police and Crime Commissioner's are considering halting licence payments for the time being until trade resumes at a profitable level and starting Council led loan schemes to stop the trade being swamped by criminality. 

Northumberland accused by their suspended CEX of corruption on an almost industrial scale have simply been supportive of their own kind and hard working cabbies seem to be excluded on a permanent basis

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