Thursday, 15 October 2020

6.6% North East Unemployment, whats Wearmouth doing about it?

Murky noted that since May 2017 and the formation of a minority (supported by Bedlington Independents on a Yo-Yo string) Conservative administration at Northumberland County Council, staff in the direct labour section of the Council who concentrate on cutting grass in the summer months have been paid off. A mirror image of the gross disrespect shown for the workforce that was doled out by Castle Morpeth and its pinafore Councillors led by the now failed Peter Jackson for many years.

During the Labour administration 2013-17 that practice ceased, Labours Councillor Ian Swithenbank who’s portfolio it sat in had a winter work schedule formatted by officers and as many staff as possible were kept on each and every year.

Since the revelations of corruption, bullying, racism, the total inadequacy of monetary control and dodgy legal advice directed by Council Cabinet members exploded into the public arena we have had an enforced change of Leadership, switching over Councillor Glen Sanderson to Leader with Portfolio for Local Services. This is seen by many as the foot on the rocky road for the Council. Councillor Sanderson is also a Regional Peer for the LGA and a Board Member of Northumberland National Parks, so when he’s going to find time to do any leadership when he has to work for his huge extra income from the other two named bodies? we at Murky know that something will slip, historically looking at his record it will be the Council!

To that end and to cover his back, he promoted a much battered by failure to deliver through his expensive to form ADVANCE Northumberland and now subject to reports that we believe are being investigated by the Police, Councillor Richard Wearmouth to manage business on the Councils and his behalf.

Councillor Wearmouth’s first hurdle is to tackle the major surge in unemployment across the County that is set to grow even more rapidly as his Governments furlough scheme unravels in two weeks time.  Retail growth funded initially through panic and now through furlough support will slump violently until after the mess his Government are also making of BREXIT is over and a recovery of sorts begins to unfold.

In order to stem the flow towards a flattening economy he needs to pick up the phone to Councillor Swithenbank and take advice from someone who worked hard to ensure dignity for the workforce was maintained and incomes to support their families was available by ensuring essential work that can only be undertaken in the winter months such as tree lopping, ditching and drainage gets undertaken on the paying publics behalf.

Then he needs to lower himself from his self-built pedestal breaking his vow of silence and tell the Public what he’s doing to help otherwise the retail sector the Counties only saving grace will lose the secure future it hoped to retain over the next twelve months and the growth will shift over to the development of food banks County-wide.



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