Monday, 19 October 2020

Lilidorei the Tory Jokers laugh at your expense.

Murky is sorrowful as we ask you to remember this, "Eighty new jobs in Alnwick and an extra 1,500,000 visitors a year will put that Town on a smoother road towards sustainability and lift its local economy out of the doldrums. Our strategy for the market towns of the County is to assist growth where we can" Was, in late 2016 what the then Leader of Northumberland County Council, Labours Councillor Grant Davey told the press in regards to the Council  offering a loan to the Alnwick Gardens Trust and the developers of its proposed elfin village scheme, Lilidorei.

The Tories in the shape of the now found out and disgraced Councillor Peter Jackson aided and abetted by his Tory group ran story after story out in all forms of media attacking what they called 'a gift of public money to the richest family in the County'.

One Tory ducked out, Councillor Gordon Castle the voice of the Duke in the Council chamber. He went into hiding as the Town he represents slipped further and further down the economic staircase and saw tourist growth in its competitive neighbour Amble to the detriment of his County Town, Alnwick.

According to Tory Government figures its estimated that to create a sustainable job outside London the public purse would have to invest £270,000 per job. Yet the Tories in Northumberland effectively turned down 80 jobs in a town where poverty is on the increase for what was in the medium term for free! The noise caused by what are now becoming branded as the Castle Morpeth Pinafore's  (CMP) caused the Tory doners and members on the Alnwick Gardens Trust to stop the project due to their own parties bad publicity.

But the CMP group on the Council don't seem to care that playing the two faced joker in the pack will be remembered by the innocent right across the County and that rumour has it the disgraced Councillors Jackson, Oliver and Wearmouth have in secret been pestering officers of the Council to ensure a free non repayable grant of £3m is made available from the borderlands capital funding pot to their colleagues who ran away in fear from the bad publicity with the remaining £5.5m being found through commercial loans, slowing the period the new jobs will take to bring on line and help Alnwick recover. The £3m grant was confirmed by the borderlands publicity team earlier this month.

We at murky hope that with the exposure of the 'politics' from the CMP group being opened out to public scrutiny that same public will begin to see why being managed as a herd by Tory farmers is not what people want or need and that dwelling in Northumberland doesn't have to feel like your living in a real time Thomas Hardy novel.



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