Sunday, 11 October 2020

Hubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble. She's definitely back!


 Murky giggles now that Northumberland Conservatives have shown how all the bullying they dished out, all the corrupt actions they have undertaken on the public purse all the lies they ran through their stage managed audit committee and how all their plans to scoop the pool and live on the back of the Council for years are being stirred in the witches pot.

 Unlike the Tory allegations against the Council company ARCH these matters are already covered by hard evidence and will be scoped into the huge investigation process that if history is to be repeated will be rapidly underway using some of the most expensive negative legal and audit investigators public money can buy.

 The biggest problem the Tories have is that the witches are a team and have wormed their way into the pockets of the Tories enemies Dungworth and Hill and through the solididity of womenhood  the only differences they may ever have is how hard to stir the pot.

 Right under their corrupt noses the Tories fell into the trap of trust as over the last three years the 'magic trio' at the top of the Council slipped the male officers towards the fire exits and lined up a team that have to prove that they can be even more vicious than the former postholders. The analogy to this trio being  Pele, Messi and Ronaldo world beaters on their day turning out for the same team each Saturday. Any team listing these three players in their day would have caused havoc among their opposition on match day. The game for this magic trio will be ever onward and decisive and for the Councils new leader, the Cabinet member for finance, the Chair of advance and the now famous land swindler as well as others in the Jackson cabinet will be career ending even if jail is avoided through the trowel, square and apron coming to the rescue.


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