Friday, 16 October 2020

Northumberland Labour Councillors concerned with Johnson rejection of the Rushford deal!

Murky's investigations have revealed Northumberland Labour Councillors, the Trade Unions and Teaching staffs are extremely concerned regarding the absolute rejection of the Marcus Rushford plan to feed children on free school meals over the October school holiday fortnight.

Since the return to school following Prime Minister Johnsons edict, pressure has grown on school staffs and Councillors as the effects of unemployment hits more and more families particularly in the most deprived wards where professionals find the nett effects of grinding poverty growing and the future prospects for families in deep decline.

One Councillor told us that 'because of the austerity cuts from Government over the last decade the current Conservative administration at County Hall in Morpeth have shifted millions of pounds worth of cash over to highways repairs in the deep countryside whilst cutting essential poverty in children indicator staff such as Sure Start and the Youth Service down to the bone'. 'We have no idea what the new leader of Council Glen Sanderstead will make of this situation and as a serious difference has developed between his administration and the Chief Executive were not sure where impartial advice to help the situation will come from.'

Teaching and ancillary staff in schools have felt under pressure for a number of weeks as joblessness, regular and ongoing family hunger and the fear of homelessness is affecting children badly with the BBC reporting a high level of concern from mental health professionals about the dire situation young people find themselves in which is expected to grow out of all control as we move ever closer to a no-deal Brexit.

A trade union activist told us that the Council is moving towards a period of massive upheaval and the new Council Leader, Glen Sanderson who has been operating with a well developed chasm sitting between the Council and its constituents whilst investigations into the alleged actions and activities of his fellow cabinet members take precedence. 

Whatever he does he needs to do it soon.

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