Saturday, 24 October 2020

Remember, Remember the Fourth of November Backstabbing, Loses the Plot

 With the public sector either working from home or in the case of the NHS shorthanded and swamped, Murky noticed the slipping through of a law change by the Conservative Government which will not only alter the retirement plans of millions of families experts say it will lead to unending unclearable debt as the housing market slips into deep decline on the back of party right wingers trying to stop headline reports of high cash payouts for highly paid top staff.

The restriction of public sector exit payments regulations 2020 is being rolled out to cap payments to anyone made redundant or retiring from the public sector down to £95,000. 

To make matters worse the cap includes the payments made to public sector pension funds to ensure pensions for those long serving staff who are made redundant do not suffer from reduced pension payments. Meaning highly paid staff could be made redundant and owe money to their former employers. The BMA are challenging the Government over this anomaly.

This year mainstream media reported widely on the many highly paid civil servants who have slipped out of the system with reporters indicating they were having difficulty working with the Governments political advisors but kept tight lipped on the real reason.

Long serving public servants earning as little as £20,000 a year, thats just over £1.60 an hour above the minimum wage, made redundant at 55+ will be affected by this new law and reductions will apply. For a Boris Johnson manifesto headline where it was indicated that the change was necessary to stop headline payouts to sacked Council senior managers the Tories have used the opportunity of the backing by the public of a general election to rapidly extend their creation of a two tier society. But in fulfilling their dreams they have sunk the future retirement plans of millions of ordinary workers.

Many of those workers caught by the new law will be manual and craft workers whose jobs have damaged them physically and can no longer perform to the maximum, road workers, refuse collectors many of whom walk almost a marathon distance each day behind a vehicle, joiners, roofers and plumbers whose knees have gone, hospital cleaners and community nursing and care staff working alone all get worn out bodies due to their employment serious enough to force them into their employers disciplinary processes but not serious enough to prove through the Duncan Smith benefits system they are suffering permanent ill health. Keeping a roof over your head and feeding your family is not a reason to get Government assistance.

In Northumberland both local government and health will require urgent reorganisations as soon as the financial merry go round of government mismanagement and a Tory council which actually believes the spin from the Treasury and are doling out reserves on the back of a Conservative promise. As we have seen Conservative promises in the County come to nothing but accusations of corruption but how will the conglomerate of health and local government which has been blended into an almost seamless service over many years deal with reorganisation without the basic assumption that they will pick up older volunteers. How will the trade unions deal with employers and can we expect a return to 1960's last in first out reorganisations leading in a very short time to the development of an aging workforce and the management of ill health dominating the scene rather than the mixed age group vibrancy currently delivering for people.

Luckily the Labour Party have promised to repeal this vile legislation but we have another four years of stagnation before the next General Election. To clear the damage to the public sector and the effects of a negative or no deal Brexit to leech from the sector may take two decades according to city analysts. By that time swathes of dreams and retirement plans will be shattered and the reliance on the housing market outside London will be completely depleted.

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