Thursday, 18 January 2024

Council with failed business plans, failed corporate plan and failing local plan leaving debts and chaos for the next Council.

News that the much vaunted Northumberland rail line is being placed in a position of running ‘half shaft’ by opening up with stations missing coupled with the failure to organise the well hyped battery factory in Cambois shows how business planning from Northumberland’s Conservative infighting rabble has failed 54% of the county population.

The Council in the shape of the current administration appear to  have lost the plot and their failed business plan leaves residents and the first Mayor of the North East picking up the pieces from broken promises poured out daily for the last seven years of Tory mismanagement in Northumberland.

Council business has now shifted to other promises that have no chance of ever being delivered due to the need to slash borrowing and a ridiculous state of ‘we will build Ashington a shed to house a Cinema and might fit it out in 2016.

They seem to still have some interest in destroying Blyth Town Centre because Labour want to save it and not deliver additional employment opportunities any where near the 8000 promised by their outgoing MP. as Labour Councillors have shown huge interest in its progress.

A new dual carriageway from South Beach to Cramlington manor walks is still high on their agenda while the busiest highway in the County, Cowpen Road with a planned bypass collecting dust in the empty County Hall in Morpeth leaves half of the largest town in the county subject to massively high levels of pollution but it’s not in Castle Morpeth so doesn’t really matter.

Roll on May 2025 so the next Council can expose the danger misspending and lack of business acumen, overborrowing and plans which have failed residents can be exposed to full public scrutiny and placed in this Councils epitaph.

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