Monday, 4 September 2023

Greedy cabinet members from failing council now travelling the same highway as the Government.


Top councillor wants more than £1000 per week to tell you that you can't have care for your gran, can't get a council house, can't get your street weeds sorted and loads of other negatives but we have a lovely Council Office near Morpeth we've spent a king's ransom on thats almost empty and you can't get in to see!

Last week, just before a fresh term begins at Westminster, the Conservative Government in office decided to double up on redundancy payouts for defeated MP's at the next general election. This act of greed comes on the back of gifting themselves better pension payouts and putting up lump sums for being kicked out of a job in the revolving doors of cabinet reshuffles. 

The whole self spoiling basis of the Conservatives money grabbing existence adds up to pocket lining while millions of their constituents around the country can't afford to put a hot meal on their plate every day of the week.

In Northumberland, the Conservative cabinet members have had a report prepared to be presented to the full council that mirrors the greed that's going on in Westminster at a local level. 

But taken as percentages the selfish, gluttonous local Conservative secret cabinet members take the biscuit. Their abysmal level of grasping is beyond belief as the Leaders in office who asked for this report to be prepared want to slash the allowances of all other councillors to fill their pokes like energy investors or covid safety equipment suppliers, including members of their own party the Ides of March ring true!

One quick glance at Northumberland's 'fix my street reports' will show every real murky reader how bad local services have become and those same Conservative 'secret cabinet members' are failing in their duty to have the departments they are responsible for deliver the basics to people on social services, planning, highways, education, children's services, social housing need, etc.,etc. Yet those cabinet members who keep everything hidden, have the gall to demand more for delivering less.

These cabinet members should be returning wasted money to the council from their own pockets for such undeniable failure in spending £ millions on County Hall in Morpeth while those who required help right across the county are ignored.

10 gluttonous cabinet members who have secret meetings before each public meetings to get their crooked miles straightened out a bit, want to pay local councillors £2 per hour less than the minimum wage and sever the link with the pay of Council staff to let it drift downwards as Tory led inflation squeezes the life and value out of being democratically elected to work for your community.

Lets see what's said at the conservative heavy council meeting when the tory factions not part of the Morpeth mob and opposition members realise that the cabinet wants to short change them, pay 10 of them fortunes while slashing the wages of their own assistants, making them redundant without a scheme in place and lets see if Councillor Oliver demands that the police are called to arrest this new cabinets team members over this issue after failing to have his own former cabinet colleagues arrested after the Councils audit committee were told about the unlawful and illegal activity actioned by his colleagues when trading internationally?.

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