Monday, 14 August 2023

Killer blow by the Times? Does it leave Northumberland County Conservatives high and dry?


Northumberland Conservatives whose infighting is beginning to spill over with County Hall being likened to 'Dodge City' on social media as the various Tory groups who are supposed to be representing local people are drawing their six guns and sniping at each other at every chance they get.

The latest bullet to slash through the 'secret sheriffs' tin star leadership group has been laid out in full by the Times (link below) as the saviour of the Northumberland Conservative led plan to build a huge Giga factory in the River Blyth basin has been blasted by the nations top tory newspaper.

The Council secret cabinet, its business member and the deputy leader appear to have buried the lead into Councillor Sandersons administration and its company Advance Northumberland as the Times top reporter Laith Al-Khalaf slates the owner and voice of Recharge Industries as yet another busted flush in the same mold as Britvolts top dogs who were supported by leading London Tory Lord Chadlington who is reported as being under suspicion for dodgy multi-million pound PPE dealings. 

People want to know exactly how much Northumberland County Council and/or its myriad of quietly secret companies set up in 2017 by those same Conservatives have been financially hooked into by Britishvolt and its doppelganger Recharge Industries? 

The void which the expected battery plant has become, as the Prime Minister now supports the setting up of a similar plant in Somerset sponsored with public cash supplied by Government appears to many to be a planned additional 'hole' in line with the council's policy in Ashington, Bedlington and now Cambois as they continue to pour ever more cash into Morpeth leaving the Blyth MP who was front and centre with his feet among this project to wither on the vine as his troops openly fight each other and point the fickle fingers of fate all around him.

The Times article for reference:

Recharge boss 'Collard' 

by New York Landlords

It's at the top for Australian Businessman David Collard, the problems go to the very top- of the One World Trade Centre in New York. 

Collard whose Scale Facilitation bought the collapsed british battery maker Britishvolt in February is in hot water with his landlord.

Collards firm has space on the 88th floor of the tower and court-filings in New York reveal that Hyper Labs, the landlord of the floor, believes it has been in default with its rent since May. Despite having its contract canceled, Scale has not surrendered its premises documents claimed in June.

Hyper Labs is seeking $455,000

Remarkably 'Collard' is also being chased by the landlord of his Midtown apartment for $150,000 in unpaid rent. The filings were first reported by the The Australian newspaper.

Last week it emerged that Scales subsidiary, Recharge Industries, had failed to pay the final installment of the £8.57million it owes for British volt. Recharge insisted the deal would go through this month.

Still, what due diligence did British volt administrators EY do on Collard?

The Aussie is still hoping to build a £3.8billion "gigafactory" in the north east - just as soon as he can find a sofa to crash on, presumably.

Laith Al-Khalaf.

Eds notes:

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