Sunday, 13 August 2023

Can Northumberland County Conservatives not count at all.



on an energy scheme for an almost empty office block?

A new scheme opened this week by the Tory Leader of Northumberland county council to supply only 40% OF THE ENERGY NEEDS OF COUNTY HALL NEAR MORPETH, is a scheme to far for residents of the County who require such things as social services help or their streets cleansed more regularly or trees and shrubs maintained near their homes.

The scheme, a solar array over the car parking for staff and some Councillors has a lifetime of between 25 and 30 years according to experts from Forbes homes. Yet the Secret Conservative Cabinet at County Hall agreed to spend £3,800,000 on the scheme with a current payback of £100,000- £150,000 per annum, with energy cost predicted to plummet from late 2024 following its current fall back this month them the higher figure is expected to be unachievable taking the Tory Governments own planning figures for energy. 

It's another huge waste of Council taxpayers cash by the 'secret 10' councillors who make all of the decisions at County Hall with the life of the scheme running out well before the payback is completed and on social media people are demanding to know if this is borrowed cash and at what rate the borrowing has been taken on at. 

Of course the Leader of Council will have the opportunity to blame his cabinet member for business in order to cover the his own currently inflated ego with more glamour and we here at murky agree he should have warned his Leader against this scheme on its dreadful financial footing in most service areas. We murkily believe its costly beautification of an aging nearly empty building created for 8000 staff which has been in a state if modernisation longer than than many cathedrals when at a max. the council could only draw on 1900 staff to sit in it.


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