Saturday, 5 August 2023

Are Conservative Councillors in Cramlington abusing the use of 'Fix my Street'?


Established in 2003, mySociety is a not for profit group pioneering the use of online technologies to empower citizens to take their first steps towards greater civic participation.

We (mySociety) help people be active citizens with technology, research and data that individuals, journalists, and civil society can use, openly and for free. My Society launched 'Fix my Street' in June 2007.

In Northumberland the use of 'Fix my Street' has been used by local people ever since its inception as a Council in 2009, as a pointer to problems that may be missed by their Council, the huge all purpose Unitary Authority, Northumberland County Council.

The County Council has been led by the Conservatives since 2017 who immediately embraced their Government's austerity campaigns to move cash over to their pet projects, most of which didn't include South-East Northumberland where over 55% of the Counties population dwell.

The Conservative party at the County Council have been beset by internal political wars over the last six years through uncontrolled misogyny and bullying just coming to light following inspections and deep dive audit reports coming out. The Tories in power are trying to hide their findings under the expensive new carpets at County Hall in Morpeth, using the phrase "lessons learnt" when everyone including local school cats know their problems will be repeated time and time again. Anyone watching the recordings of meetings on youtube will see misogyny in action at every meeting, with Labour and Independent women Councillors sufferung each and every day.

The gaps between the factions within Northumberland Conservative Party are widening daily with the Cramlington group of Tories sitting in the knowledge that as being part of South East Northumberland they sit outside of the plans made in darkened rooms at County Hall, so much so that Cramlington's longest serving Conservative councillor, Wayne Daley, took to social media to demand more for his area as "Cramlington pays more Council Tax than any other town in the County"!

That rebellious cry fell on deaf ears among the farming Tories who run the County Council so Cramlingtons rebels needed to find another way to get their message across without the true blue knighthood seekers at County Hall noticing. It appears to us codgers at Murky that they have chosen 'fix my street pro' as their anonymous method of reporting faults en-mass in Cramlington, as recently dozens and dozens of Cramlington faults have found their way onto the 'My Society' site abusing the reporting methods Councillors have at their disposal.

So, will the Leader of Council, Morpeth boy Glen Sanderson, help his Cramlington colleagues with their plight? You can betcha he won't.

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