Monday, 3 April 2023

8,000 Jobs? There’s certainly a ‘Katch’ in delivering any of them now?


Now that the news is out on a number of fronts with Ian Levy MP deserting the Town of Blyth to stand for office in the town he told a Parliamentary Committee people like him from Blyth aspired to move to Cramlington.

The News that only five people made the decision to change the  use of the land on the Britishvolt site at Cambois from batteries to power cars to batteries to store power for the Tories ‘green revolution’ to scope in ever more people into remortgaging their homes to cover the cost of Conservative demanded greeness by 2030 to make more of their investor pals rich.

The news that the Chief Executive of Northumberland County Council was languishing on a cruise ship sailing the waters of the antipodes when this massive planning issue was taken by Northumberland Conservatives one party cabinet with no other Councillor from Northumberland aware if any due diligence was taken to see if the company they were backing in this change had any chance of delivering on the 8,000 jobs the residents of Wansbeck and Blyth were promised in Ian levy MP’s visionary? Videos and press releases.

The dirty deed done by Sanderson’s magnificent five and the resultant news from the Times newspaper shows that not a jot of anything was looked at never mind due diligence. Its lucky for the other 62 Councillors that mismanagement allegations and the ‘fickle finger of fate’ isn’t being pointed out in their direction with Councillor Sanderson mumbling and bumbling to hint to the press that the Council’s business portfolio holder Kitty Brewsters own Wojciech Ploszaj attended and voted for the change at the Secret cabinet meeting thereby covering his back with a car rug to keep his ageing daily personage warm.

The Times have shown that the company Glen Sanderson and Wojciech Ploszaj supported, may be just another shiny suit organisation who handle their comms better than the Council, as though they were supposed to have bought the Britishvolt gigafactory site out of administration from the international auditor EY £8.6M missed a deadline to pay a finance firm ‘Katch’ £9.7m as the finance firm has a hold over the land. A due diligence check on the finances surrounding land they also had or may still have a buyback clause on would have located these debtors. We expect the Council’s external auditor the Company Mazaars who have great experience in handling local government bodies will be livid at what's happened and may be still happening putting public money at risk. The Company Recharge who have been running out the positives of using them to deliver the new package refused to comment to the Times newspaper.

The expectations of thousands of current and future workers that long term employment may be had near their homes have been dashed by their own Council’s secrecy and huge spending sprees by Britishvolt on events that most local residents can only dream of attending in order that the shiny suits can suck in ever more investors and raise the £3 Billion pound to deliver the dream for local people.

Its believed that the new Chief Executive of the Council has returned and will be in her seat and at her desk at the almost empty expensive to run glamour project, County Hall in Morpeth, we have to hope she will carpet her new employer and seek assurances on what has happened behind her back will not happen again. But to ensure it doesn’t she must break the secret! Will the Morpeth mafia allow that? Mmmm! We have doubts.

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