Friday, 31 March 2023

Split wide open Conservatives attacking each other in public.


The four fractured groups within Northumberland Conservative Party are beginning to realise their time is nigh, with a Conservative chair, Cramlingtons Mark Swinburn openly complaining at a local area committee meeting in front of the press about how much is spent in Morpeth where the Tory Mob sit and how little is spent on highways in the South-East corner of the County where the majority of people with cars dwell.

During his, my potholes are bigger and more numerous than your potholes spat he said "I'm getting fed up of being fobbed off. I'm at the end of the road with this process. Something has to change".

Dissatisfaction with the 'Morpeth rules ok the rest pay for us' methodology is beginning to gain momentum County-wide with everyone but the about to be candidate for mob culture, Anne-Marie Trevelyan, whose Constituency gains the Town where the Conservative family of former bankrupt Castle Morpeth Councillors has developed a palace with its open waste of county taxpayers cash being poured into the six year redevelopment of County Hall while the backlog of school and highways repairs grows bigger each month.

Gross centralisation and the lack of equity and equality in spend across Northumberland has been openly criticised both from the Town of Berwick upon Tweed through a shop owner on its high street?  The County Councils response is that they are concentrating on the Towns night time economy by investing in the Maltings Theatre and secondarily the Towns military museum where visitor numbers increase in the summer holidays. Hardly the kind of input a high street needs these days? 

Then a village who believes its voice is being stifled by the County Councils deplorable planning system. The residents of the hamlet of West Chevington are feeling the full force of ‘Big Brother’ conservatives who turned down a Tourist Village application in Longhirst right next to Morpeth and the residents of West Chevington are now facing an incredibly similar application via Northumberlands politicised planning system.

On the very politicised planning issues Northumberland County Council is famous for, the West of County area committee has got itself into hot water through an application with prior permission. Its in the town of Prudhoe where the Council's leading light, Gordon Stewart who likes to be photographed picking up litter has made a right hash of things. 

The application simply needed a refresh through the amount of time since it was previously heard. The committee threw the application out twice against planning officer advice. It was from the Duke of Northumberland's management company Northumberland Estates, this shockingly ill advised political decision will gift the estates company a win from the planning inspectorate. This stops the Council having any way of protecting residents once control of a development is gifted by the state in the shape of a planning inspector to a developer and current residents can expect the worst.

Its about time that the planning function was removed altogether from this Committee and a proper cross sector committee formed to meet fortnightly and get through the work in a safe for people professional manner, instead of dodgy locals following Boris Johnsons 'i'll fix it for you’ attitude. 

Get the pints in!

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