Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Taking £ hundreds of thousands from Cramlington South West Sector residents in Council Tax

Will Cloudy Glen give the ‘make a noise for Cramlington’ group a safe crossing? When on TV he fell at the first!

On Saturday 15th April 2023, two events of local interest took place. Firstly an 80-1 shot, Cloudy Glen, ran in the Grand National Steeplechase at Aintree and watched by 600 Million viewers worldwide, fell at the first fence. It's been widely rumoured for several days on social media that the horse was named in honour of the leader of Northumberland County Council, Cloudy Glen Sanderson and events on TV news immediately after the racing finished hardened in that view to most Northumbrians.

Earlier in the day residents of Cramlingtons estates on its south west sector marched from their homes up to the Town Centre to display their unity in demanding a safe crossing be built by Glen Sanderson’s County Council, a Unitary all purpose Council for Northumberland across one of Northumberland’s busiest highways and bus routes Fisher Lane the A1068 linking the A1/A19 junction with one of the two main highway entry points into the South East of the County from the rest of the UK.

The demands of the marchers are simple, loud and clear for most people to understand but the ultra-right wing Tory farmer and Council leader, welded in with his fallen namesake, Cloudy Glen as he gave a positively bad tempered interview on TV offering that the Council with build the residents a footpath with ‘Council Money’ to get them up to the A192 junction.

The problem with that outburst from Cloudy is that if residents return from work, school or shopping from the South, the huge city of Newcastle sits to the south of Fisher Lane, by public transport they will still have to dodge 4 lanes of traffic as he said he would have to meet with his colleagues to discuss putting a safe traffic light controlled crossing from the bus stop to the estate.

Cloudy of course must not have looked at the Council income sheet for the South West sector in Cramlington when last year he announced one of the nations highest Council Tax bills to the unitary Councils unsuspecting residents and this year he hardened in his cloudiness by piling more pain onto taxpayers with another maximum settlement.

The Councillor for the sector, Councillor Barry Flux, Tory business chairperson of the Council wasn’t shown on television. Social media has it that he was going to turn out from his base in Alnwick only someone was lying on his shirt tails. 

Barry, being the Council’s business chair is the colleague who Cloudy Glen will have to meet with to decide is he should spend some of the residents own hard earned cash which they pay the Council as well as the massive allowances Glen and Barry receive for the part time jobs they have as Councillors on a safe crossing for the children, parents and grandparents who need to travel to these estates by public transport then dodge the high speed traffic on a 4 lane verging into two lane highway.

Get real Glen and either stick with the farming or both yourself and Barry Flux should resign as in real life you fell at the first fence with Cramlingtons South West sector residents.

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