Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Has the Blyth Debating Group been infiltrated?, it appears to be being used to spin social justice ‘woke’ tales on the Tories behalf?

What's changed in the famous Blyth Debating Group set up? It seems to have moved on from its gallant release of information about the disgraceful goings on at County Hall in Morpeth into something else entirely, so have the people of Blyth lost those who managed this site along the way somehow? Or is it proof that local government training is locked into departmentalism?

In the last few days, a leading Tory activist from the Town of Blyth who is also a retired well trained Council Officer, has openly attacked a Labour Councillor on the Blyth Debating facebook page spinning a story of blaming the Councillor for not being able to manage officers of the Council on his behalf over a planning matter that was lost by a developer at appeal.

The development  in question, lost at appeal to a planning inspector was a highly undesirable in the eyes of the residents on the Town, Home of Multiple Occupancy, (HMO) smack bang in the middle of town facing the site of the new Tory ‘Culture Centre’ being developed on public open space, Blyth’s marketplace,that's just been granted planning permission by the Tory administration at County Hall in Morpeth, hardly an impartial planning decision we would have thought, to purvey Tory culture into the minds of Blyth’s youth.

The aforementioned abandoned by its developer HMO sits adjacent to a walkway through from the Town Centre to the Conservatives drinking den in Blyth, its Constitutional Club, as well as being sited extremely close to the complainants home. 

The complainant is rumoured to be a leading member of the Constitutional Clubs management committee and may simply be whipping up the public to protect a slipping profit that's used to promote Conservative views to an unsuspecting public.

We have been informed that the complainant was, during his working career, heavily involved in Local Government Training. As a retired person he may have forgotten what advantages developers get over Councils if planning permission is won or lost at appeal as opposed to when it's granted by Councils.

If permission is won at a planning appeal, Councils lose almost all control over development of the work and limited control over build quality unless a building becomes dangerous and then they must get on bended knee and await the developers time to repair the danger or slip into long and arduous legal battles that usually only cost the Council Taxpayer in the long run.

When permission is lost by a developer or dismissed at appeal the building may stand empty for decades until the developer can offload it or decide to develop it for another purpose. There are many derelict building in Blyth standing or falling due to the lack of planning enforcement following dismissed appeals.

This building has been reported to Council as dangerous as during the recent spells of bad weather: something allegedly slipped off the roof.

The walkway that provides access to the Constitutional Club from the town's main shopping area and the complainants home has been closed on safety grounds.

Apparently the developer has slowed progress on offloading this particular HMO and it's been said on social media that her development team are working on sites some distance away from the town of Blyth.

The spinner's story seems to be a simple attack against a Labour Councillor in the Town for political purposes. 

Surely a former officer of the Council would know the rules of appeal and how sites the Tories at County Hall have failed to push through member committees are failing residents all over the Town. 

Families and new buyers are suffering with high fleecehold charges to have grounds maintenance undertaken and sites are not brought up to standard so that the Council can adopt them, saving the developers £millions. Many are without adequate footpaths or highways,with no street lighting in some cases. Those residents have no chance of ever getting them from the Council as contributions to develop facilities are not forthcoming to Councils from builders and developers when the Council loses a planning appeal.

As for the complainants comments about the Labour Councillor having no control over the officers of the Council, he must not want to take notice that his Tory mates in power at County Hall are under high level investigation for the bullying and harassment of Council officers and we need to know from him if he’s trying to trap a Labour councillor into achieving a similar lowlife attack to sort his purported problem out?.

Complainant?, you must wait for the developer to comply with the legal request from planning officers to resolve the problem or what about telling the real truth behind your complaint?


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