Friday, 24 March 2023

When is a Council Decision NOT a Council Decision?Could it be when only 8.9% of Councillors are allowed to vote for it?


As well as all of the things exposed in the recently retired local government expert Max Caller report on the behaviour of Northumberland’s minority conservative administration not sharing information, not sharing targets, not releasing each departments local performance indicators and achievements and the well reported on accusations of bullying, misogyny and well designed hatred of those who speak out against them, Max Callers reports also centered on the need to have cross party  agreement on a regular and ongoing basis about any changes to policy within the Councils’ bounds.

The regular cutting off of opposition council members by the business chair of the council Councillor Flux, the non acceptance of questions from fellow councillors where the instant answer may have a negative feel about it along with the recent attacks against a member of the public who was trying his best to raise issues he thought the answers to should sit in the public domain, shows that the Conservatives who do not hold or have a majority in the Council chamber have simply cocked a snook at Mr Callers expert work.

With their latest Borisian stance against leaks from County Hall via a decision to change the current policy of the Council and the methodology of how the new (still not got the cash to build a factory) company, trying to wedge its way onto the failed Britishvolt site for peanuts is allowed to handle site issues, was brought before the Council’s single party executive.

Conservative executive members, some of whom have little inklings now and then about what's right and wrong were the only people to get the opportunity to vote on this matter, a matter that if the wheels come off may cost the Council dearly.

The Council's executive is made up of 10 members of the Conservative party, they are paid a colossal sum to make decisions on your behalf, yet only 5 of them turned up for the meeting. 

As the previous battery company went under owing £150m you would think that the Leader of council would be insistent that all his elected executive turned up to alter a Council policy on such a dangerous in reputation terms issue, or he should have considered whipping them to ensure they attended, voted and their votes were recorded and that his decision was moved on so that all 67 could agree with the changes or not.

The Council is made up of 67 Councillors, 5 members took this decision, that's only 8.9% of the Councillors democratically voted in to aid you the Council taxpayer get best value for your Council Tax payments we could name the other 5 yellow streaked Councillors from the executive but courtesy says we shouldn’t.

Max Caller has such a unique reputation for helping and aiding Councils who have failed their electorate that were sure he will write his memoirs  which will be very interesting indeed but we would like to get a bet on that his only failure, Toxic Northumberland County Council will get its own chapter and his once in a lifetime frustrated failure will show why 58% of Prudhoe’s electorate voted Labour in a parish Council election last week as a practice to get rid of this lot in charge at County Hall and let Labour begin to rebuild Northumberland as a good employer and an honest dealing Council.

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