Monday, 27 March 2023

Ministers Trips up to Northumberland weren't to support their ‘Red Wall’ MP?

The secrets out: constant high level visits to Blyth and the making of Berwick’s MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan into the ‘deliver nowt of any use to Northumberland’ Transport Minister has now been exposed as a sham at the Conservatives spring conference

The Tories spring conference has been one of the highlights of the year in the Conservative calendar until last year when Boris Johnson was yet again caught with his pants down when he likened his struggle to leave the EU and his fix it like Jimmy Saville event as being in a similar vein to the Ukrainian struggle to fend off an invasion by Russia.

The press and public have been banned from their latest hooray for ‘fixit for us and our mates pockets’ blowbag event in Birmingham. Probably on the fact that Prime Minister Sunak who came second in the laughable race against Liz Truss, an eejit who wrecked our economy and put working people behind the nine ball and is reaping the millions ex PM’s are rewarded with over their lifetime from taxpayers pockets.

But back to the visits to Northumberland. It appears that ministers had read Max Callers report on Northumberland Conservatives antics and possibly had a chat with the international external auditor EY and decided they must hobnob with the Deputy Leader of Northumberland, packmaster Wearmouth and his sidekick the puppet Leader Glen Sanderson on how they ‘secreted’ a public body away from everyone but themselves and have staved off the press and public leading to a complete lack of interest in local politics from their constituents.

Their success in keeping even opposition parties at bay by insisting nothing even the County Hall cat is allowed out it's very expensive new doors to tell anyone what is or is not going on when they are slammed closed is heartening to the Tories who follow the old book of Liberal-Thinking and claim anything and everything that's successful as their doing and just don’t mention anything else!

Rishi Sunak’s copy of Northumberland's double act is a must for him, as the UK Statistics Authority has called him out on his lying to the press regarding asylum seeker numbers.

The Prime Minister has received a rebuke from the UK Statistics Authority for using incorrect figures when citing Home Office action on tackling the backlog of asylum claims. Watchdog chair Sir Robert Chote has written to the Government pointing out that figures used by ministers, including Rishi Sunak, “do not reflect” official statistics. He also suggested it was wrong to claim Conservative administrations had managed to halve the number waiting for their asylum application to be processed when the backlog has gone up by almost 150,000 since Labour was last in Downing Street.

How many more secrets will the Conservative administration in Westminster have to seek advice from Northumberland Conservatives top bods on, and will they learn rapidly on how to keep them locked away. But what we here at murky are really interested in, is ‘when will the safe they are kept in suddenly suffer from salvationalists spontaneous combustion?’ 

Toodle pip for now!

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