Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Politicised County Council Leadership have let down Ashington, Bedlington and Prudhoe say residents!

Our regular trawl of social media sites around the County has thrown up some interesting comments on the Government’s ‘red wall’ funding for the Town of Blyth in South East Northumberland.

Residents of Prudhoe have expressed their opinions and are asking why they have been overlooked by the Conservatives when they have had a Tory MP pulling the strings of the County Council over the last six years yet Blyth has been seen by many residents who have commented as being looked after because of the ‘Red Wall’ MP Ian Levy and his need to save his seat in any forthcoming general election. The question of ‘Where’s Our Share’? Of levelling up funding and ‘Why are we being overlooked as a base for a culture centre’ now the Tory led County Council has applied for planning permission to build one of these multi-million pound developments in Blyth.

In Ashington the e-noise surrounds the broken promises from Northumberland Conservatives whose then Leader, Peter Jackson promised them a cinema in 2017 yet all they have been left with is a famous ‘hole’ where their ‘culture centre’ complete with Cinema should be sited. On top of that comments on the hidden costs of County Hall’s six year modernisation in Morpeth and that Ashington lost the opportunity to have a new modern cheap to run County Hall sited in their Town at the terminus of the much vaunted Northumberland rail link the loss of the new Council building is letting the town slip down the rankings, moving towards oblivion in economic terms as retail is lost through the lack of job opportunities for local people while Blyth gets all the help it needs.

Bedlington’s comments on levelling up money being poured into Blyth centres on the fact that residents from the Town aided Northumberland Conservatives into office through their Tory led ‘make a noise’ campaigns and Bedlington has now been dumped by those same Tories they grafted for seven years ago. The feelings of being let down and having been set adrift once their cargo is unloaded is grieving Bedlington residents and the demands for a Culture Centre investment on the redundant Town Centre redevelopment site is loud enough to be heard in Morpeth and they now feel they have been left with a ‘hole’ to match their neighbours in Ashington.

The Council’s leadership of Councillor Wearmouth and his puppet Councillor Sanderson need to get their act together as this latest pressure of leaving some of the Council’s largest Towns in limbo without any real investment that benefits local people will certainly lead to the downfall of the Tories across Northumberland over the next couple of years.


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