Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Life Under Northumberland Conservatives ‘is wick!’ They closed day centres and are opening up warm spaces?.

 Northumberland Tory, Councillor Richard Wearmouth a wannabe energy baron has been failing in his efforts to explain on a number of social media discussion sites about how pleased people living under the Tory banner should be that ‘his’ Administration at County Hall in Morpeth is expanding the number of places people can sit for hours and keep warm this winter.

We here at murky can use the term ‘his’ administration honestly, as Richard Wearmouth a long serving member of the well known in social media circles and often mentioned in the northumberland murky blogspot, Morpeth Mafia, is the deputy leader and puppet master of his leader in name only, Glen Sanderson and does not only orchestrate Northumberland Tories he is the top and most despised by the Conservatives on his council, Tory in the North-East region.

Since 2017 Councillor Wearmouth has operated from the shadows and also guided his local Tory MP’s into his way of thinking but the warm spaces project may be a hot water bottle too much as one of his proteges, Anne Marie Trevelyan MP has decided that Human Rights don’t matter when trade deals are to be negotiated by her. Nations who murder their young for complaining about issues and attend protest marches are to be brought in as post Brexit partners as Dominic Raab floats his version of lets slash your rights, as if your poor you need to know your place, as he sinks both the European and International version of the human rights act to bring in the Tories ‘the employer is always right’ humans don't matter version.

We at murky may trust the Tories as little as the Conservatives do and expect that the Tories have employers waiting in the wings to harvest items produced at the warm spaces when people get sick of sitting around but our prime thoughts are with the Good Law Project, a campaign group, which has announced that it is planning to sue Ofgem for raising the price cap to record levels, warning that the decision to raise the energy cap by 80% would "devastate families". They hope to prove that neither the Government nor ofgem have produced a full impact assessment on the effects on society, pensioners, those in need ect., of the changes they choose to force onto the public.

Although we must ask why the 'Church' has not forced the House of Lords to return early? as its congregations are so worried about what the future holds and in Northumberland why the coal magnate and energy expert Viscount Ridley isn't leading the recall? to air his many ideas on resolution of the energy crisis in public. Between them they could lead Councillor Wearmouth away from the crooked mile and end the need for Warm workhouses across Northumberland.



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