Thursday, 4 August 2022

The bleating forgetful Councillor Peter Jackson demands an investigation into 2016 activities of NHS international partnerships

 Last week, after the Conservative County Council used public money to buy themselves out of a series of Industrial Tribunals and Council Standards Boards investigations into wrongdoings disgraced former Council Leader, Councillor Peter Jackson joined his team at Northumberland County Council’s Audit Committee and began to raise the roof.

 Remembering that this is the same Councillor who ‘forgot he had a planning application for a wind farm on his land, used public money to pay huge legal fees to protect himself after he blew his own Governments plans to open up land for ‘Garden Village’ in the County, (which has led to homes being built as close to Northumberland’s boundaries as possible by Newcastle City Council, ruining the village feel of Ponteland part of which he represents). He was also accused of letting his henchmen Councillors run amok and put their own written reports packed full of lies through the Councils Audit Committee and when challenged by the International Auditors EY gave them Hobsons choice with his answers and they left the Council to its own devices.

 He was eventually thrown out of office as leader of the Conservative Group on the County Council by a combination of opposition Councillors and rebels from his own party.

 His roof raising comments included the rant of “the Council should go back to 2016 and investigate the ’International Department’”. His Conservatives won the May 2017 election in Northumberland following a nine year release of untruths turning both a LibDem and a Labour administration into ‘Toxic’ Councils in the eyes of the public. His toxicity doesn’t end there and the relief that his Party members had voted to get rid of hearings and investigations into their actions, all of which of course they denied but leaving the Council even more Toxic than under both of its previous administrations since 2008.

 So we thought that we would help and truthfully look at the InternationalTrading of the NHS from 2016 which the Council became a partner of in an administrative capacity and did not become a full entity entry into the partnership until Councillor Jackson signed a deal after whingeing on for months and dragged his henchmen off to London to suffer the ‘Bright Lights’ at the ratepayers expense. The photos above illustrate the beanie.


The link below shows how innocent and necessary for all involved the NHS trading arm was, an excellent idea from Northumbria NHS Foundation Trust poisoned by Councillor Jackson and his malignant party.


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