Thursday, 18 August 2022

Landlord and Tory County Councillor tells meeting Northumbrians aren't worth as much as Londoners.


Warkworth Councillor, landlord and top Liz Truss supporter Jeff Watson who has actively chased the additional income being a County Councillor with additional responsibilities since 2008 brings into the counting house well positioned in his garden has shown his constituents how right wing his politics have become.

History shows that Councillor Watson began his Northumberland County Council career as an independent. Reading the runes he quickly joined up to pursue his rise in rank as the Conservatives at that time became a CIG, a Conservative and Independent group with an unhealthy alignment with the Liberal Democrat administration from 2008 to 2013.

His true colours didn't take 14years to unfold and the revelation he prefers those he looks down upon to be treated like serfs, paid a pittance and should bow to those from the South of England as displayed by his well reported outburst at the county council's health and wellbeing committee as he was heavily involved in the proposed outsourcing of services in partnership with North Tyneside Conservatives as early in his career as 2010-11.

But his outburst illustrates that if he had bothered to read the reports sent to him for the meeting he surely would have noticed that median average pay in the North East of England is the lowest in the UK. Of course his rapid change from independent to conservative and now ultra right wing thinking and doing tory supports that untenable position and lines his beliefs firmly behind Liz Truss the candidate for premiership another opportunist who left the LibDems to chase the cash by lining up her 'Jacobs coat' on the same rack as Boris Johnson.


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