Sunday, 28 August 2022

Tories rollout of Universal Credit to all will bring out self serving prejudices and expand poor employment practices!


Brexit, brought out little britain into the public eye, fed xenophobia, bred the prejudice against your neighbours and gorged the racism that figures show had been in decline since the 1960’s. 

 The ‘New Brexit’ form of faschism is now to be used by the Tories to punish those who find themselves either poorly, in ill health, lowly paid, geographically or demographically excluded, suffer transport deprivation or are ‘pension gapped’, those who can no longer physically or mentally continue in their long term careers and cannot claim the state pension due to extended age restrictions.

 Work and Pensions Secretary Thérèse Coffey has introduced a change to the rules for Universal Credit claimants that will require those with health and income problems to attend compulsory weekly sessions at Jobcentres if they are not in work, or receive less than £494 in pay and benefits each month. 

 Shadow work and pensions secretary, Labour's  Jonathan Ashworth criticised Ms Coffey, saying she must "explain why she sneaked out this far-reaching change that will impact thousands of people", and calling for "a credible plan to help people find quality work not more Tory threats and sanctions".

 Real time Tory, Theresa Coffey MP who is named by Labour as the designer of this change while Parliament is out of session so that debate on the matter is nullified and the House of Lords don’t get a chance to vote on it seems to feed off the feeling that she hates those in society who are unable or unlucky enough to find themselves on the wrong side of Tory thinking as she can’t possibly have noticed that Universal Credit if your a single person is maxed out at £334.91 and she has previously been accused by Labour of hiding reports which show how many people commit suicide when sanctions are applied to their benefits.

 In her drive to ‘push down wages’ she is hell bent on introducing ‘forced labour’ onto 114,000 Universal Credit benefit claimants using her sanctions regime not as a lever but as a hammer to appease her fans, those unscrupulous employers who support the Tory party with funds.

 In rural Counties like Northumberland and Lincolnshire where travel for many is almost impossible and grossly unaffordable, where job centres have disappeared through austerity measures the government will have to set up additional ‘Tory Culture Centres’ to manage the weekly footfall this sneaky, nasty party policy will cause. Or are claimants to be used to form a ‘Land Army’ and be sent to rural work camps
to pick the fruit and veg that used to be picked by European based workers. 


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