Friday, 12 August 2022

Is Ian Levy MP only suing businesses in the dying Town of Blyth or is he suing IPSA and the Press for telling the truth?


The beleaguered and now sounding very petty MP for Blyth Valley, the Conservative Ian Levy seems to have opened up a war with business people from the largest Town he represents, Blyth in Northumberland.

Following a huge number of social media posts and comments since 2019 about the lack of response from him to questions from the public, a concerned resident posted a video on YOUtube asking him questions regarding openly available information from the press and IPSA linking the video with an urgent appeal for help for businesses in Blyth illustrating the number of closed shops littered about the towns trading centre. 

Although this video may not be in the image Mr Levy wishes to portray of himself or a Town he represents he should really take the video as a compliment that people do want to communicate with him and attempt to pour oil on troubled waters in Blyth and not act in the manner of an ogre and drive ever more people away from trust in his position as a local MP.

Mr Levy appears to have lost the plot over this video and social media sites state that he is suing people who were involved with the production of the video, or/and sharer and commentators of the video which it's said run into many hundreds of people. He of course did run short handed from April 2020-Jan 2021 and only claimed £511 in staffing costs and £18,118 in office costs which appears contradictory to the IPSA issued accounts as reported in the Northumberland Gazette.

Other social media sites and commentators believe he is only suing selective sharers which appears to be in breach of the equality acts as defined here in the UK and not how top people are expected to behave as most would simply take any criticism and find out how they can improve matters and image for both them and their constituents.

The links below may help.

‘Ian Levy, who was elected in December 2019, spent £215,600 on office running costs in 2020-21, including £183,700 on staff wages and £31,900 on other office expenditures’.

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